Últimos días para solicitar praza no Campus de Verán XuvenCiencia
A metade das prazas ofertadas outorgaranse na orde da recepción da solicitude e a outra metade por sorteo entre todo o alumnado inscrito
Read moreA metade das prazas ofertadas outorgaranse na orde da recepción da solicitude e a outra metade por sorteo entre todo o alumnado inscrito
Read moreProfessor of Food Technology at Campus Terra, the work of Mª Ángeles Romero has become a reference for the scientific community and the food industry
Read moreO proxecto liderado pola USC toma como punto de partida a potencialidade que manifesta en Burela o xénero do batuko, tradición cultural na illa de Santiago en Cabo Verde, onde existen decenas de grupos femininos unidos pola súa práctica
Read moreO foro evidenciou a capacidade das empresas do rural galego para exercer como motor para o desenvolvemento sostible
Read morePhD in Veterinary Medicine from Campus Terra and researcher at GAPAVET, Diplomate of the European College of Aquatic Animal Health, Roberto Bermúdez Pose, studies the incidence of different pathologies in fish such as turbot
Read moreQuico Ónega López, researcher at the Campus Terra's Territory Lab, reflects on the importance of taking care of our planet and the challenges related to land management on Earth Day
Read moreO proxecto semente das Nacións Unidas e o Centro Común de Investigación da Comisión Europea busca definir, a partir da teledetección, un índice multimétrico sobre a calidade da auga doce do lago Tanganica e a os seus cambios co paso do tempo
Read moreOn the occasion of Entrepreneurship Day, we talked with Patricia González Alonso, Transfer and Entrepreneurship technician, about the programs and resources offered by Campus Terra to promote entrepreneurial culture
Read moreMarcelino Maneiro, professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Campus Terra, develops antioxidant catalysts for pharmaceuticals, food, industry, and energy
Read morePhD cum laude in Veterinary Medicine from Campus Terra, Ana Manuela de Azevedo focuses her work as a researcher on the pathological processes inherent to fish diseases
Read moreJavier Cancela Barrio, Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering from Campus Terra, studies crop water needs and the sustainable management of water resources
Read moreThe professor and researcher of the Department of Vexetal Production and Enxeñaría Projects of the EPS of Campus Terra believes society must reflect on how we will face the near future
Read moreDoctor in Agricultural Engineering and researcher at Campus Terra, María Dolores Fernández is also the president of the EPSE Gender Equality Commission
Read moreXoel Souto Guitián focuses his doctoral research on diseases affecting aquaculture turbot in its growth phase, with the help of Insuiña and GAPAVET
Read moreThe research work of Jesús González Jartín in the field of mycotoxins is helping to put the focus on compounds that can be highly toxic
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