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The research group Acuigen, with headquarters at the USC´s Campus Terra, leads the field in whole genome sequencing of the turbot fish

El grupo de investigación Acuigen, con sede en el Campus Terra de la USC, lidera la secuenciación del genoma completo del rodaballo
El grupo de investigación Acuigen, con sede en el Campus Terra de la USC, lidera la secuenciación del genoma completo del rodaballo
The research group Acuigen at USC led by the professor Paulino Martínez, and with headquarters at the Veterinary School of Campus Terra, leads the field in whole genome sequencing of the turbot fish....
The research group Acuigen at USC led by the professor Paulino Martínez, and with headquarters at the Veterinary School of Campus Terra, leads the field in whole genome sequencing of the turbot fish. The turbot is the first vertebrate sequenced in Spain during a research project in which scientists from the CSIC of Vigo and the CNAG in Barcelona (National Center of Genome Analysis) participated and whose results were recently published in the British journal DNA Research (Oxford University Press). 
The research developed by USC ´s Acuigen within the framework of the project provides the sequencing and assembly of the turbot´s entire genome (6 billion nucleotides) through the integration of resources and prior genomic tools, which the research group at USC has been using since 2005, explained Paulino Martínez this past Tuesday. 
The entire genome sequencing of the turbot culminates a decade of Acuigen´s work and effort, Martínez stated, who also indicated that the results of this study open a new path towards the development of programs towards more efficient genetic selection regarding growth, pathology resistance, and sexual control of the species. 
The contents of this page were updated on 02.25.2022.