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New international stamps on the Campus Terra passport

Novos selos internacionais para o pasaporte do Campus Terra
Novos selos internacionais para o pasaporte do Campus Terra
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the EPS of Engineering of the USC have renewed their prestigious international credentials

The leaves on evergreen trees remain green and functional through all four seasons. Campus Terra not only maintains its lush colours all year round, but also has beautiful splashes of bright, golden light.


This unique glow does not only come from the sun, but from the shiny new international quality labels received by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the EPS of Engineering of the University’s Lugo Campus.


On the one hand, the University’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has just renewed the European accreditation issued by the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE). This achievement guarantees that graduates can complete postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom or join a professional association in order to practice in the country, hence avoiding any potential complications due to the impact of “Brexit” on academia.


The fact that professionals in the field of veterinary medicine enjoy good working conditions in the British Isles, added to their social recognition, motivates many Lugo graduates to take the plunge and work there.


On the other hand, the academic community on Campus Terra got another boost of motivation and energy, as the Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural and Agri-Food Engineering and the Master's Degree in Agronomic Engineering imparted by the USC at the School of Engineering received two new EUR-ACE® labels.


This achievement —along with the labels awarded in 2019 to the Degree in Civil Engineering, the Degree in Forest and Environment Engineering and the Master’s Degree in Forestry Engineering— place our School of Engineering as the first and only one in Galicia to obtain the prestigious EUR-ACE® label for its five degrees in this field.


The EAEVE accreditation and the EUR-ACE® labels not only represent a huge success for the USC and these teaching institutions — they will move the entire academic community in Lugo forward. Not only will these recognitions stand out on any graduate’s CV, but they will also increase their prospects for academic and professional mobility — by land or by air.

The contents of this page were updated on 02.25.2022.