The university centers at USC´s Campus Terra doubles the number of international students in the last year
The university centers at USC´s Campus Terra registered 140 students in the current academic year, doubling the amount of international students one year ago, according to the Vice Rector Javier...
The university centers at USC´s Campus Terra registered 140 students in the current academic year, doubling the amount of international students one year ago, according to the Vice Rector Javier Bueno. This converts Lugo into the university with the fourth highest number of international students, after Santiago, A Coruña and Vigo, and before Pontevedra (101), Ourense (61) and Ferrol (44).
The statistics show that 12% of the 1,176 newly enrolled students for this academic course are of a foreign nationality, maintaining the same percentage as last academic year.
The Business School, with 48 international students, is the university center with most international representation, followed by EPS (29), Veterinary (25), Sciences (21), Humanities (13), Secondary Education (2) and Labor Relations (2). Regarding the countries from which the international students come from, Mexico is the most represented with 75 students. Followed by Mexico are Brazil (19), Italy (18), Argentina (6), Colombia (5), France (4), Chile (3), UK (3), Germany (2), Algeria (2) Ireland (1), Russia (1) and Syria (1).