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The Quality Assurance System of the USC has been designed following the model of the national and regional quality agencies, ANECA and ACSUG, and is articulated in 9 criteria and 46 guidelines grouped into 5 areas, which correspond to the programmes drawn up by the agencies, called AUDIT and FIDES.

The USC approved the first framework QAS in December 2009, and the Governing Board's Delegated Planning and Quality Committee, at its meeting on 31 May 2013, approved a review, which included a simplification and overall review of the system.

Our centre adapted the simplified manual to our particularities, which was approved on 23 March 2015 by the Quality and Planning Committee of the USC. The latest versions of the Quality Assurance System Manual and the Law School Process Manual were approved by the USC Quality and Planning Committee on 6 October 2021.

The strategic lines defined in the Faculty of Law correspond to five main lines:

  1. Quality of the teaching
  2. Quality of the research
  3. Internal quality assurance system of the centre (IQAS)
  4. Relationship with external stakeholders
  5. Management.

Each of these lines is specified in strategic objectives, while these are defined by the corresponding strategic actions.

The contents of this page were updated on 03.26.2024.