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Catalogue of medical assistance services at the USC.
Imaxe: Tatiana [Pixabay]

The services provided by the Health Surveillance Service include:

  • Medical assistance for accidents at work, with or without sick leave, including accidents in itinere.
  • Consultations for common illnesses or urgent consultations of employees, which appear during working hours.
  • Checking of blood pressure.
  • Analysis of blood, urine, faeces, exudates, microbiological tests, etc. in relation to consultations that may be made during working hours or those arising from medical check-ups, for which we have the collaboration of the Central Laboratory and Microbiology Laboratory of the University Clinical Hospital.
  • Special analyses that allow us to control employees’ exposure to chemical or biological agents in the workplace.
  • Spirometry, electrocardiograms, studies to measure vision.
  • Dressings and assistance in the case of burns, blows, cuts and minor wounds.
  • Administration of injectables (previously prescribed by your doctor with a prescription).
  • Collection of anthropometric data.
  • Dietary control.
  • Removal of wax plugs.
The contents of this page were updated on 06.07.2024.