Cardio-protection measures.
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The University of Santiago de Compostela decided to adopt cardio-protection measures on its campuses, through the installation of semi-automatic defibrillators (SAED) and the training of its employees so that they know how to act in the case of emergency situations, among which cardio-respiratory arrest is highlighted.
You do not need to be a doctor to save a life. All you need is knowledge, some courage and the necessary equipment. A person's life can be cut short by a sudden cardiac arrest. It can happen to anyone, at any age, at any time.
USC security personnel are also trained in the use of the semi-automatic defibrillator (SAED).
- Santiago security patrol telephone number: 600 940 050 (24 hours).
- Lugo security patrol telephone number: 647 344 344 (Monday to Friday from 3 p.m. to 8 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays 24 hours).
- Decree 99/2005, of 21 April, regulating the training and use of external defibrillators by non-medical personnel.
- Royal Decree 365/2009, of 20 March, establishing the minimum conditions and requirements for safety and quality in the use of automatic and semi-automatic external defibrillators outside the health sector.
- Decree 38/2017, of 23 March, which regulates the installation and use of external defibrillators outside the healthcare setting and creates their registry.
Health Surveillance Service
- Civil Servants' House
- Avenida das Ciencias, 7, 15782Santiago de Compostela
- 881 814 520
- vixilanciasaude [at]
Health Surveillance Service
- Edificio Administrativo Intercentros
- Rúa Bernardino Pardo Ouro, s/n. Campus Universitario, 27002Lugo
- 982 823 446
- 982 823 444