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Project file
  • Title: A beleza no cotián [Beauty in everyday life].
  • Coordination: Francisco Conde Soto. 
  • Subject: Introduction to Aesthetics. Degree in Philosophy. 
  • Collaborating entity: Asociación Itinera. Mental health volunteers. 
  • Description: The aim of this innovation project, using service-learning methodology, is for university students on the Introduction to Aesthetics course of the Philosophy degree to reflect on the main theoretical questions of Aesthetics (beauty, the sublime, relativity of taste, the frontier between what is pleasant/aesthetic, aesthetic/political relationship, etc.) by providing a service to the community consisting of drawing up an aesthetic cartography of the city of Santiago de Compostela.
    This critical cartography will aesthetically indicate positive and negative points, adding a catalogue of proposals to conserve the positive and mitigate the negative, taking into account the existing legal regulations, and making an overall assessment of the relevance of the problems encountered.
The contents of this page were updated on 06.13.2024.