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Project file
  • Title: Commercial research. 
  • Coordination: José Leandro Benito Torres, María Luisa del Río Araújo, Zaira Camoiras Rodríguez and M.ª Concepción Varela Neira 
  • Subject: Market research. Degree in Business Administration and Management 
  • Collaborating entities: Confederación Gallega de Personas con Discapacidad (COGAMI) (Galician Confederation of People with Disabilities).
  • Description: The proposed S-L project involved eight social economy enterprises from the GES group, linked to COGAMI, with 151 students participating in the practical part of the subject.

    The project consisted of students applying the knowledge gained in the subject to prepare a complete market research for the different social economy companies with which they collaborated. This market research would allow companies to identify possible courses of action and help solve various problems and difficulties.

The contents of this page were updated on 06.13.2024.