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Projecto file
  • Title: EDUCO: Social education and educational intervention. 
  • Coordination: Silvana Longueira Mato, Raquel Mariño Fernández and Miguel Nogueira Pérez. 
  • Subjects: Management and development of social education programmes, Planning and design of Social Education Programmes, Assessment of Social Education Programmes and Practicum in Social Education. Degree in Social Education.
  • Collaborating entities: Solidaridad Internacional de Galicia; Cooperativa Feitoría Verde; Asociación Arelas, for families of transgender children, and IES María Sarmiento de Viveiro.
  • Description: The aim of the project is to provide students with real experiences that have a bearing on their future professional career. The three subjects, which are linked to each other, make it possible to work with the students throughout the academic year.

    International Cooperation and Education for Development issues directly related to the students' specialisation were dealt with.

The contents of this page were updated on 06.13.2024.