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Project file
  • Title: Observing children’s playgrounds. 
  • Coordination: Julia Crespo Comesaña and José Eugenio Rodríguez Fernández. 
  • Subject: Organisation and management of the school and children's play. Degree in Primary Education.
  • Collaborating entities: Department of Education and Citizenship and Department of Environment and Coexistence of the City Council of Santiago de Compostela. 
  • Description:
    • Observe the spatial variable of children's playgrounds in the city of Santiago de Compostela, analysing aspects such as location, accessibility, safety, state of conservation and typology of the spaces.
    • Observe the typology of activities and behaviours derived from the use of these spaces by children.
    • The aim was to bring students closer to reality and to assess, in a rational and conscious way, issues that influence people's daily lives. After the work carried out and analysed, a report was drafted for the Municipal Government Team, with an eminently informative content on the condition of the playgrounds. This report can help to improve these recreational-educational spaces, achieving what was intended: to improve the education of students with this type of educational experiences and, on the other hand, to try to offer an improvement service to the community, in this case, to improve the network of playgrounds in the city as much as possible
The contents of this page were updated on 06.13.2024.