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Nenxs sentadxs
The arrival of children at the nursery school is a turning point in their development, therefore we believe it is very important for parents and educators to agree and contribute to a successful adaptation.

The affective world is the esencial engine of their emotional, social and intellectual development, so the period of adaptation is a process in which the child emotionally Works out the loss and gain of the separation and the acceptance of the new situation.

Starting school is the first separation from the family and the way it is handled is very important because if it is done well it will help to resolve future situations (primary school, the relationships with unknown people, etc.).  For a child it is the loss of a specific place, a safe and familiar area with people who are devoted to him or her, and the arrival in a place where he or she has to share everything with other children: things, space, teachers, etc.

On the other hand, the references of space and times are still not clear so the separations can be felt as if they are “forever” and he or she can have feelings of abandonment until day by day it is reinforced that mum or dad come back to pick him or her back.

The contents of this page were updated on 04.11.2024.