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Tutorial Action Plan

The Tutorial Action Plan of the Faculty of Philosophy aims to guide, orient and accompany students during their university studies.

The tutorial action is aimed at facilitating their integration into the institution and serves as a bridge between the students and the different services. In addition, it contributes to personalising university education and gives support to students in their training process for the degrees that are taught at the Centre.

The objectives of the Tutorial Action Plan are:

  • To facilitate the integration of new students.
  • To guide, support and advise students in their training process.
  • To inform students about academic and professional issues that will allow them to plan their academic and professional future.
  • To carry out a customised monitoring of students.
  • To identify learning and organisational difficulties in the Degree in Philosophy, in order to analyse them and find a solution.
  • To encourage students to participate in the life of the Faculty of Philosophy and that of University of Santiago de Compostela.

The faculty has a student-tutoring programme run by students in higher education who will provide support to first-year students throughout the academic year to facilitate their adaptation. The coordinator of this programme is Professor Javier Barcia. The student tutor for the 2020-21 academic year is Nil Farré Torres.



Customised tutoring programme. The faculty will assign each student a teacher-tutor. The role of this figure is to provide customised advice and guidance to each student during their studies at the faculty. This programme can be followed voluntarily. The coordinator is professor M.ª Luz Pintos.

Course on information skills in the digital environment. Taught by staff from the USC Library, the course will be virtual and will last between 6-10 hours, depending on the students' previous knowledge. It will be linked to the interactive classes of one of the first year subjects although the timetable will not coincide with the official class timetable. This training will bring together skills and competencies related to the search for and management of information and represent a contribution of a transversal nature, in particular, to carry out academic work.

There is a teacher-coordinator for each year. Their function is to promote coordination between subjects, ensuring constant communication with students, especially in relation to the development of the year.

Coordination of the Degree in Philosophy

Coordination of the Master's Degree in Philosophy. Knowledge and Citizenship

The contents of this page were updated on 02.08.2021.