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Renewal of accreditation of the qualifications

In accordance with article 24.2 and 27 bis in the wording of Royal Decree 861/2010, of2 July, which amends Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, official degrees must renew the accreditation obtained in order to continue being taught every four years in the case of master's degrees and every six years in the case of degrees and PhD programmes.

The Agency for the Quality of the Galician University System (ACSUG) is in charge of carrying out the assessment for the renewal of accreditation, in accordance with the assessment protocols that were jointly established among the assessment agencies, complying with European quality criteria and standards.

In July 2010, the Council of Universities and the General Conference on University Policy approved the protocol to monitor and renew the accreditation of official university degrees. This document includes the basic guidelines for conducting the pre-assessment monitoring required for the renewal of accreditation.

The objectives of the renewal of accreditation for official university degrees are:

  • To ensure the quality of the training programme offered in accordance with the established qualification levels and the criteria expressed in the current regulations.
  • To guarantee that the quality of the results obtained in the development of the courses corresponds to the commitments acquired and verified by the corresponding assessment body.
  • To verify that the degree obtained an appropriate monitoring process and that the available information was used to analyse its development and to generate and implement the relevant improvement proposals.
  • To ensure the availability and accessibility of public, valid, reliable, pertinent and relevant information that helps in the decision making process of students and other stakeholders of the national and international university system.
  • To draw up recommendations and/or suggestions for improvement of the degree that support the internal processes of quality improvement of the programme and its development, which should be taken into account in future monitoring and renewal of accreditation.
The contents of this page were updated on 04.04.2023.