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Services with certified quality management systems

The USC has numerous units and services that have quality systems certified under various standards (OSHAS 18001, ESO 9001, 14001 and 17025, EFQM).

These units and services cover areas as diverse as laboratories and research equipment, the residences integrated in the SUR, educational and conciliation services such as those of the Breogán Nursery School, or editorial work such as those of the Publications and Scientific Exchange Service.

Luis Concheiro Forensic Genetics Department of the Luis Concheiro Forensic Science Institute

This has been accredited by ENAC since 2012 to determine DNA identifiers in human fluids and tissues, in accordance with the requirements of Standard UNE-EN-ESO/ IEC 17025. This laboratory accredited, according to this standard, the preliminary analysis activities for the detection of biological fluids and obtaining human genetic profiles, both for autosomal and Y chromosome STRs, as well as for the mitochondrial haplotype. In 2013 this laboratory renewed its accreditation and expanded its scope, adding additional tests for preliminary analysis.

The Forensic Toxicology Department of the Luis Concheiro Forensic Science Institute

This has been accredited by ENAC since 2016 to identify and analytical determine 21 substances (drugs of abuse and pharmaceuticals) in blood, plasma and oral fluid, in accordance with Standard UNE-EN-ESO/ IEC 17025. In 2017, Ethanol and methanol in urine, blood and vitreous humour were added. In 2019, the laboratory renewed its accreditation and expanded its scope, adding additional tests for preliminary analysis.

Institute of Ceramics

Research, development and innovation activities in ceramic materials, metallic materials and industrial rocks, the performance of physical-chemical tests and the determination of physical properties in ceramic materials, metallic materials and industrial rocks were certified in accordance with the requirements of Standard OHSAS 18001.

Institute of Food Research and Analysis        

Certified, according to Standard ESO 9001, the Microbiology Laboratory for the analysis of: surface water for drinking water production, drinking water for public consumption, groundwater (wells and springs) for public consumption, bottled water, bathing water, swimming pool water, seawater, wastewater and other types of water.

The Microbiology Laboratory, part of the Food Research and Analysis Institute, renewed its certification, according to Standard ESO 9001, for the microbiological analysis of water, and obtained its extension for the microbiological analysis of food and clinical samples.


O Con Reservoir Hydrobiology Station

Seal of Commitment to European Excellence, 200+ for its management system. Managed by the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management), this is awarded by Committed to Excellence representative in Spain. This is recognition of EHEC's work, which combines long experience and training in hydrobiology with excellent management practices.

Radiation Analysis Laborators

Renewed its certification, according to Standard ESO 9001 standard, for the design and performance of environmental radioactivity analysis in liquid and gaseous matrices.

Research Infrastructures Area

 Certified, according to Standard ESO 9001:2015, for the following units of the Santiago and Lugo campuses:

  • Instrumental Analysis Unit, CACTUS Building.
  • Archaeometry and Materials Characterisation Unit, CACTUS Building.
  • Infrared-Raman Spectroscopy Unit, CACTUS Building.
  • Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Unit, CACTUS Building.
  • Magnetosusceptibility Unit, CACTUS Building.
  • Electron and Confocal Microscopy Unit and support for Biological Specialities, CACTUS Building and sites (CIMUS, Polytechnic School and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine).
  • X-Ray Unit, CACTUS Building.
  • Magnetic Resonance Unit, CACTUS Building and sites (CIQUS, Faculty of Chemistry).
  • Glass and Quartz Blowing Unit, Warehouse/Maintenance Building.

Laboratories for Environmental Engineering and Bioprocesses and Environmental Technology, Physical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry

The Environmental Engineering and Bioprocesses and Environmental Technology Laboratory of the Institute of Technological Research, the Environmental Physical Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Chemistry and the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of the Institute of Food Research and Analysis meet the conditions that allow USC to obtain the Title of suitability as a collaborating company of the basin organisations in the control of wastewater discharges, granted by the General Directorate of Hydraulic Works and Water Quality of the Ministry of the Environment.

A Graña Marine Biology Station

The environmental management system was certified according to Standard ESO 14001, which covers teaching support and research in marine zoology and includes the collection, separation and identification of benthic fauna, determination of physical and chemical parameters in water (temperature, salinity, conductivity, redox potential, pH and dissolved oxygen) and in sediment (temperature, redox potential, pH and dissolved oxygen) and sedimentological analysis (granulometric analysis and organic matter and carbonate content).

At the same time, the Quality Management System was certified according to Standard ESO 9001, which covers teaching support and research on benthic fauna, determination of physical and chemical parameters in water (temperature, salinity, conductivity, redox potential, pH and dissolved oxygen) and in sediment (temperature, redox potential, pH and dissolved oxygen) and sedimentological analysis (granulometric analysis and organic matter and carbonate content).

USC Radiophysics Laboratory

The USC Radiophysics Laboratory is a secondary dosimetry laboratory. The laboratory implemented Standard UNO-EN ESO/IEC 17025 on general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

USC Radon Laboratory

The Radon laboratory of Galicia, of the USC Faculty of Medicine, is one of the three accredited in Spain by ENAC for measuring radon in air by trace technique and the only one accredited for the measurement of Radon in continuous.

Higher Technical School of Engineering

This has an occupational health and safety management system, in accordance with the OHSAS 18001:2007 specification, for the provision of university education, teaching and research services.

Breogán Infant School

The Occupational Health and Safety System was certified in July 2008 under the requirements of Standard OHSAS 18001 in the Risk Prevention Service, which covers the provision of childcare and dining services for the children of employees and students of the University of Santiago de Compostela at the Breogán Nursery School.

University Residence Service

The occupational health and safety system was certified in July 2008, under the requirements of Standard OHSAS 18001 in the Risk Prevention department, which covers the accommodation of members of the USC community in the SUR facilities: Rodríguez Cadarso Residential College, Fonseca Residential College, San Clemente Residential College, Monte da Condesa University Hall of Residence, Jesus Bal y Gay University Hall of Residence and Burgo das Nacións University Hall of Residence.

Publications Service and Scientific Exchange

This has a Quality Management System in accordance with standard UNE-EN ESO 9001:2015 for the design, editing and distribution of books and university publications under the USC Editorial seal.

The contents of this page were updated on 02.08.2024.