ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.5 Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Agroforestry Engineering
Areas: Agroforestry Engineering
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
According to the Degree Title Memory: know, understand and use the principles of Agricultural Engineering: agricultural buildings. Facilities for health and animal welfare.
This involves the acquisition of knowledge for the characterization and design of housing for different livestock species, based on the particularities of each species (production cycles, handling systems, etc.) to define areas and surfaces and also to define the necessary facilities for each particular case. After defining the design, acquisition of knowledge by students for structural resolution of farm buildings is also intended.
The Degree Title Memory for this subject includes the following contents:
- Characterization and design of the facilities to house livestock species.
- Sized and comprehensive plant design of farms under different production models.
- Agricultural facilities, animal health and welfare and biosecurity.
- Agricultural buildings: structural types.
These contents will be developed according to the following list of topics (the duration assigned to each activity may vary depending on the content development):
Unit I. Characterization and design of the facilities to house livestock species (4 h):
• General issues to consider.
• Regulatory aspects.
• Common facilities.
• Animal health and welfare.
• Biosafety.
Unit II. Sized and comprehensive plant design of farms under different production models (11 h):
• Cattle housing.
• Swine housing.
• Hen housing.
• Housing for other species.
Unit III. Agricultural buildings: structural types (3 h):
• Constraints for structural solution.
• Elements of building for agricultural construction.
• Cover materials.
• Side cladding materials.
Interactive activities:
I. Characterization of a farm of each species studied (5 h).
II. Farm plant design from the data related to the operating model (5 h).
III. Characterization of structural type and materials in examples of farms (3 h).
IV. Technical visit (5 h).
Student’s self-work
Reading and preparation of subject contents (25 h: unit 1-4 h, unit 2-11 h, unit 3-3 h, activity I-5 h, activity III-2 h).
Doing exercises (15 h: activity I-2 h, activity II-10 h, activity III-3 h).
Preparation of practice activities (7 h).
Preparation and conduct of the course work (15 h).
Preparation of assessment activities (10 h).
(The duration assigned to each activity of the student’s self-work is indicative).
Basic bibliography
- M.E. Fernández e J.J. Cantalapiedra (coords.), 2013. Benestar animal e instalacións. Gando vacún leiteiro. Ed. Consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela.
- J.R. Pedreira (coord.), 2010. Do nacemento ao parto: recría de xovencas. Ed. Consellería do Medio Rural, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela.
- W. Bickert (et al.), 2013. Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment. Ed. Midwest Plan Service, Iowa.
- F. Forcada, D. Babot, A. Vidal e C. Buxadé, 2009. Ganado porcino: diseño de alojamientos e instalaciones. Ed. Servet, Zaragoza.
- J.A. Castelló, 1993. Construcciones y equipos avícolas. Ed. Real Escuela de Avicultura, Barcelona.
- J.A. Castelló, 1991. Producción de carne de pollo. Ed. Real Escuela de Avicultura, Barcelona.
- C. Palacio Riocerezo, 2021. Producción sostenible en avicultura. Ed. Servet, Zaragoza.
- C. Buxadé (coord.), 1996. Zootecnia. Bases de producción animal. T.X. Producciones cunícola y avícola alternativas. Ed. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.
Complementary bibliography
- A. Callejo Ramos, 2009. Cow comfort. Ed. Servet, Zaragoza.
- A. Callejo Ramos, 2016. Bioseguridad en las granjas de vacuno de leche. Ed. Servet, Zaragoza.
- J. Hulsen, 2005. Cow signals: a practical guide for dairy farm management. Ed. Roodbont, Zutphen, the Netherlands.
- BTPL. Bureau Technique de Promotion Laitière, 2005. Le logement du troupeau laitier: conseiller et concevoir. Ed. France Agricole, París.
- BTPL. Bureau Technique de Promotion Laitière, 2009. La conduite du troupeau laitier. Ed. France Agricole, París.
- IDL. Institut de l’Élevage, 2009. Traite des vaches laitières: matériel, installation, entretien. Ed. France Agricole, París.
- ITP. Institut Technique du Porc, 2000. Memento de l’éleveur du porc. Ed. ITP, Paris.
- J. Carr, 2014. Guía práctica para el manejo del ganado porcino. Ed. Servet, Zaragoza.
- A. Finestra; M. Devant, 2010. Calidad del agua en ganado vacuno y porcino. Ed. Merial Laboratorios, Barcelona.
- J.A. Castelló (coord.), 2009. Bioseguridad en avicultura. Ed. Real Escuela de Avicultura, Barcelona.
- A. Callejo Ramos, 2020. Bioseguridad en la producción avícola. Ed. Servet, Zaragoza.
- Welfare Quality, 2009. Welfare Quality(R) Assessment Protocol for cattle. Ed. Welfare Quality(R) Consortium, The Netherlands.
- Welfare Quality, 2009. Welfare Quality(R) Assessment Protocol for pigs. Ed. Welfare Quality(R) Consortium, The Netherlands.
- Welfare Quality, 2009. Welfare Quality(R) Assessment Protocol for poultry. Ed. Welfare Quality(R) Consortium, The Netherlands.
In this subject the students will acquire or perform a series of generic competences, desirable in any university degree, and specific competences, proper of engineering, in the main, or of agricultural engineering, in particular. Within the framework of competences that are designed for the degree, the following will be considered:
Basic and general competences:
• CG1 - Knowledge in basic, scientific and technological subjects to enable a continuous learning and adaptability capacity to new situations or changing environments.
• CG4 - Ability to search and use of standards and regulations relating to its scope.
Transversal competences:
• CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
• CT5 - Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information.
• CT6 - Ability to develop an organized and understandable text.
• CT10 - Use of bibliographic information and Internet.
• CT11 - Information capacity in a foreign language.
• CT12 - Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of knowledge.
Specific competences (following it is exposed which part of the competences is acquired with this subject, the remaining parts are acquired in other subjects of the degree):
• CEG1 - Ability for the preparation, design, drafting of projects aimed at the construction, repair, maintenance, installation, assembly or use of immovable property which by its nature or characteristics and characteristics are included in the technique of agricultural and livestock production (facilities or buildings, farms, infrastructures and rural roads), the agri-food industry (extractive, fermentation, dairy, canning, fruit and vegetable, meat, fishing industries, salting and, in general, any other dedicated to the preparation and/or transformation, conservation, handling and distribution of food products) and gardening and landscaping (urban and/or rural green spaces -parks, gardens, plant nurseries, urban trees, etc., public or private sports facilities and environments subject to landscape restoration).
• CEG3 - Ability to direct the execution of the works object of the projects related to agri-food industries, agricultural holdings and green spaces and their buildings, infrastructures and facilities, the prevention of risks associated with this execution and the management of multidisciplinary teams and human resource management, in accordance with deontological criteria.
• CEG4 - Ability to write and sign measurements, segregations, subdivisions, valuations and appraisals within the rural environment, the technique of the agri-food industry and spaces related to gardening and landscaping, whether or not they have the character of expert reports for judicial or administrative departments, and regardless of the use to which the movable or immovable property object of the same is destined.
• CEG5 - Ability to draft and sign rural development, environmental impact and waste management studies from agri-food industries, agricultural and livestock farms, and spaces related to gardening and landscaping.
• CEG6 - Ability to direct and manage all kinds of agri-food industries, agricultural and livestock farms, urban and/or rural green spaces, and public or private sports areas, with knowledge of new technologies, quality processes, traceability and certification and the marketing techniques and commercialization of food products and cultivated plants.
• CR3 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of the bases of animal production. Livestock facilities.
• EA3 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of Farm Engineering: Electrification of farms. Farm machinery. Systems and technology irrigation. Agricultural constructions. Facilities for animal health and welfare. Sustainable development. Market strategies and professional practice. Valuation of environmental assets.
• MC1 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of plant and animal production technologies: phytotechnics; plant biotechnology and improvement; crops; crop protection; gardening and landscaping. Sport zones.
• MC5 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of facilities engineering: Rural electrification. Irrigation and drainage technology. Hydraulic works and installations. Facilities for animal health and welfare.
In the classes devoted to theoretical teaching, the methodology is:
- Participatory lectures, so that students acquire a basic knowledge of the subject that allow them to work by themselves.
- Making presentations by computer, for a graphic presentation of the contents of the subject.
- Using the virtual classroom, where material is available to monitor the subject.
These training activities are aimed at working the generic competences CG1 and CG4 and the transversal competences CT5, CT10 and CT11 and, finally, the specific competencies CEG1, CEG4, CR3, MC1 and MC5.
Interactive activities:
In these activities there is provided a methodology based on:
- Conducting seminars, which will include the discussion of the particularities of the contents to be developed in these activities. Bibliographic reviews will also be included on the available technical information on the characterization of the different types of animal housing to study (including those in English and French) and on the regulations that affect its design and construction.
- Learning based on the resolution of case studies and projects, including the analysis of specific examples of livestock housing.
- Technical visit to institutions, as appropriate complement to the actual observation of the contents of the subject it is included a visit to the livestock buildings in the Agricultural Research Centre of Mabegondo (CIAM-A Coruña). The methodology to be used will be a presentation of the facilities by a CIAM technician and the teacher of the subject followed by an on-site participatory assessment of all aspects relating to the contents of the subject. This is a voluntary visit and some written questions of such visit will be included in the written test of theoretical and practical contents.
- Tutorials in groups, to address specific aspects of the contents.
These training activities are geared to work the specific competences CEG3, CEG5, CEG6, EA3, CR3, MC1 and MC5 and the transversal competences CT1, CT6 and CT12.
The methodology proposed for this study is based on:
- Self-work and independent study of students, to monitor the contents in the classroom teaching.
- Preparation of a course work, a writing work which includes a descriptive part and a graphical part about contents included in the subject and that requires the use of bibliographic and technical information in various languages (English and French), and which constitutes one of the evaluation sections.
The system includes a continuous assessment (course work) combined with a final test (complementary to the continuous assessment), as described below:
- Written exam: examination of theoretical and practical contents (70% of the final mark) (it will include questions related to the technical visit). Competences to assess: general CG1 and CG4, transversal CT1, CT11 and CT12 and specific CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, CR3, MC1 and MC5.
- Course work (30% of the final mark). Competence to assess: specific CEG1, EA3, CR3, MC1 and MC5 and transversal CT5, CT6, CT10 and CT11.
Final qualification. It is obtained as the sum of the ratings given for each item and must achieve a minimum of 5 points of 10 to pass the subject.
The assessment system will be the same for the first and the second calls of each course, both for first-year students and repeating students. Likewise, for all students, the qualifications obtained in any of the two sections of the evaluation system will be valid in all the calls of the academic year in which they are achieved, and will not be valid in subsequent courses.
Students who have recognized an exemption from class attendance in the conditions indicated in Order 1/2017 of the General Secretariat of the USC, to pass the subject, must take the written exam on the official date established by the School and perform a course work (in which it is necessary to obtain a minimum score of 2 points out of 3). The final qualification will be obtained as indicated at the beginning of these observations.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests and/or of misuse of technologies, the provisions of the “Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and review of qualifications” will be applied.
The subject is 4.5 credits, with a total of 112.5 hours of dedication (40.5 h of face-to-face classes and 72 h of student’s self-work).
Distribution of classroom teaching:
- Lectures: 18 h
- Interactive activities: 18 h
- Tutorials in groups: 2 h
- Assessment activities: 2.5 h
Individual work:
On average, it is necessary to dedicate more than an hour of study for each hour of classroom teaching (reading and preparation of subject contents 25 h, doing exercises 15 h and preparation of practice activities 7 h). In addition, a mean period of 15 h for the preparation and conduct of the course work is added, plus another of 10 h for the preparation of assessment activities.
Assistance to activities which require attendance with active participation. Daily monitoring of the contents to secure knowledge. Use of the recommended bibliography. Exploiting the tutorials provided both group and individual.
It is recommended to have studied Structural Analysis and Rural Construction. Also it is of supplementary interest the subject Materials and Building Elements.
Competences to achieve in this area are complemented by the competences acquired in other subjects of the degree.
María Elena Fernández Rodríguez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- melena.fernandez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Monday | |||
17:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) |
Thursday | |||
17:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) |
Friday | |||
17:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) |