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Project file
  • Title: DentisTEAndo. The right to oral health. 
  • Coordination: Jacobo Limeres Posse 
  • Subjects: Dentistry in Medically Compromised Patients, Tutored Practice sessions and the Master's Degree in Dentistry for People with Special Needs and Paediatric Dentistry.
  • Collaborating entity: Asociación de Padres y Madres de personas con Trastorno del Espectro do Autismo de A Coruña (ASPANAES) (Parents' Association of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder of A Coruña).
  • Description: The dental treatment of patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is often particularly complicated due to communication difficulties and behavioural disorders.

    The innovative nature of this project lies in the leading role played by ASPANAES professionals, who have extensive experience on how to address the support needs of people with ASD in different healthcare environments and also know the peculiarities of each participant individually.

    The students had first-hand contact with the patients, seeing their arrival at the Centre, their attitude in the corridors, waiting rooms and dental surgeries themselves. They also checked the cognitive adaptation of the faculty spaces. In addition to the live experience, they furthered their training through the Symposium on Comprehensive Health Care for people with ASD that was held as part of this activity.

    This initiative served to improve the experience of people with ASD in the dental field and to bring this issue to the attention of students of the Degree in Dentistry.

The contents of this page were updated on 06.13.2024.