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Project files
  • Title: Veterinary biochemistry; teaching to learn.
  • Coordination: Izaskun Ibarguren Arizeta and José Antonio Villamarín Cid. 
  • Subject: Biochemistry and Integration of Metabolism. Degree in Veterinary Science. 
  • Collaborating entities: Unión Democrática de Pensionistas y Jubilados (UDP), Asociación Senior de Telefónica de Lugo (ASTELU), Asociación IV Ciclo Universitario del Campus Terra and Asociación Lucense de Axuda a Persoas con Enfermidade Mental (ALUME). 
  • Description: Eighteen students enrolled in the subjects participated in this project on a voluntary basis. Divided into groups of 2-3 members, they sought information and carried out a series of subjects directly related to certain contents of the subjects (sugar and diabetes, cholesterol, arthrosclerosis, blood circulation, ...). Once the subjects had been prepared, the students gave informative talks aimed at groups linked to the collaborating entities.
The contents of this page were updated on 06.13.2024.