ECTS credits ECTS credits: 15
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 370 Hours of tutorials: 5 Interactive Classroom: 3 Total: 378
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Practicum Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Applied Physics
Areas: Optometry
Center Faculty of Optics and Optometry
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
The student / a properly develop each and every one of the tasks for which you enable Degree in Optometry, always respecting existing laws and regulations for each activity, as well as the necessary communication with the patient , non-discrimination, coupled with professional discretion necessary in any profession in the field of health ethics.
Depending on the Optical or Optometric Center where will take place the practices, students will acquire different knowledge among those listed below.
• Use manual edger
• Using automatic edger with template
• Using automatic chamfering without template
• Using Lensmeter. (Manual and / or automatic)
• Using remote beveled scanner
• Beveled, adaptation and installation of monofocal lenses
• Beveled, adaptation and installation of progressive lenses (including bifocals)
• Beveled. adaptation and rimless mounting (slotted and drilled)
• Beveled, adaptation and installation of solar spectacle lenses
• Beveled, adaptation and installation of solar glasses solar supplement
Repair of glasses:
• Change of platelets, twin or bridges
• Change rods
• Changing terminals and screws
• Welding glasses pasta
• Welding in metallic glasses
• Setting heels
• Change hinges or hinges
• Cleaning glasses (including dismantling)
• Sales of prescription glasses
• Sale of solar glasses
• Sales of products for contact lenses
• Using different commercial houses vademecums
• Ordering Parts (telephone or internet)
• Order of spectacle lenses
o By scanner, Web or phone
; Orders conventional lenses
; Orders lens Precalibrated
• Order of conventional contact lenses
• Order of toric contact lenses
• Order of progressive contact lenses
• Orders of products and articles for contact lenses
• Order of items for visual rehabilitation
• Order of microscopes, telescopes, telemicroscopios low vision.
• Order contrast filters for different disorders and eye diseases
• Control orders, delivery notes and invoices
• Generation of barcodes
• Marking Products
• Stock control
Patient information of:
• Informed consents
• Data protection
• Use conservation and eyeglass lens cleaning
• Use care and cleaning of contact lenses
• Maintenance Products
• Hygiene and cleaning
• Periodic reviews
• Reports of referral to other professionals
• Measure distances nasopupilares
• Retinoscopy
• Ophthalmoscopy
• Keratometry
• Corneal Topographer
• Measurement of intraocular pressure
• Slit lamp
• refraction for distance and near vision
• Analysis of binocular vision
• Adaptation of contact lenses
• Visual rehabilitation
• Low vision
Sobre Refracción Ocular/ Belmonte González N.. Doyma, 1989
Manual de Refracción / García Ge. Masson-Salvat, 1992
Clinical Refraction / Borish IM. 4º edition. The Professional Press Inc, 2000
Procedimientos Clínicos en el Examen Visual / Nancy B. Carlson, Daniel Kurtz, David A. Heath, Catherine Hines. Ed. Génova, 1992
Atlas de Lámpara de Hendidura / Gonzalez-Cavada Benavides J. Ed. complutense, 2000
Anomalías de la visión Binocular: Investigación y Tratamiento / Pickwell, D., Ed. JIMS, 1996
Tratamiento Clínico de la Visión Binocular, disfunciones Heterofóricas, acomodativas y oculomotoras / Scheimean, M.H. y Wick, B., Ed. Ciagami, 1996
Ocular Accommodation, convergence adn fixation disparity / Gross, D.A., Ed. Butterworths-Heinemann, 1995
Vision and Aging. 2º edition / Rosenbloom AA y Morgan MW. Ed. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993
The ocular examination, Measurements and findings / Zadnik K. Ed. WB Saunders Company , 1997
Manual de Refracción/ Garcia G Ed. Masson-Salvat 1992
Clinical Refracction / Benjamin WJ Borish, s. 2º edition. Ed. Butterworth Heinemann, 2006
CG1 - That the students are able to tackle their professional and educational activity since respect for the code of ethics of their profession, which includes, among other more specific principles of respect and promotion of fundamental rights of individuals, equality between people, the principles of universal accessibility and design for all and democratic values and a culture of peace
CB1 - That the students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that part of the basis of general secondary education, and is typically at a level which, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects involving knowledge of the forefront of their field of study
CB2 - That students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study
CB3 - That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical
CB4 - That students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience both skilled and unskilled
CB5 - That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
CT1 - That they acquire capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - That acquire organizational skills and planning.
CT3 - That acquire oral and written communication in the native language.
CT4 - They acquire the knowledge of a foreign language.
CT5 - You acquire skills related to field of study.
CT6 - That ability to acquire information management.
CT7 - They acquire the ability to solve problems.
CT8 - You acquire skills in decision-making.
CT9 - who can work in teams.
CT10 - who can work in interdisciplinary team.
CT12 - You acquire skills in interpersonal relationships.
CT14 - To acquire skills for issuing critical thinking.
CT15 - The student must maintain an ethical commitment.
CT16 - The student is capable of performing an autonomous apendizaje.
CT17 - To be able to adapt to new situations.
CT22 - who are motivated by the quality.
EC4 - The student is able to critically reflect on clinical, scientific, ethical and social issues involved in the practice of optometry, understanding the scientific basis of Optics-Optometry and learning to critically assess the terminology, clinical trials and research methodology related to Optics-Optometry.
CE5 - The student is able to express opinions, reports and surveys where necessary.
CE6 - The student can evaluate and incorporate the technological advances necessary for the proper development of their professional activity.
CE9 - The student can expand and update their skills to practice through continuous training
Practical activities related professional Optometry and Optics environments, so that the application of knowledge and skills acquired by the student / a the world of work is facilitated.
• Qualification granted by the optometrist holder (Tutor): 35%
• Qualification of memory (granted by the tutor of supervised practice): 25%
• Qualification obtained in the examination and edited by the monitoring committee: 40%
13 h. Self-study
• 11h. Preparation of reports
• 20 h. recommended Reading
• 31 h. Different tasks assigned by the tutor of Optics and Optometric Center
Maria Jesus Giraldez Fernandez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Optometry
- Phone
- 881813526
- mjesus.giraldez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Luz Maria Gigirey Prieto
- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Optometry
- Phone
- 881813521
- luz.gigirey [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Javier González Pérez
- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Optometry
- Phone
- 881813504
- javier.gonzalez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Carlos Garcia Resua
- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Optometry
- carlos.garcia.resua [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Hugo Pena Verdeal
- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Optometry
- hugo.pena.verdeal [at]
- Category