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Enrolment in PhD programs

The enrolment of the transversal credits will be formalised through the Virtual Secretary’s Office in accordance with the deadlines established. Enrolment in the specific training is established in each programme.

Enrolment in doctoral programmes include both academic instruction as well as the cross-curricular and specific research training aspects of each programme. Enrolment for cross-curricular credits must be performed at the same time as the enrolment for academic instruction or at any moment during the academic year through the Online Secretary's Office, after verification and authorisation has been granted.

Students who begin studies in doctoral programmes must officially enrol for academic instruction, and if applicable, for the training complements and/or training activities approved by the corresponding Academic Committee. Enrolment is done through the Online Secretary's Office, and under the terms and conditions established in the general call for enrolment.

Once enrolled, students must provide documentary proof at the Postgraduate and Third Level Studies Section of the access degrees specified in the admissions application, through originals or certified copies of the official certification from the issuing entity. Students who have specified degrees obtained at this University to access the doctoral programme are exempt from this requirement.

Any omission or falseness in the admission degrees or academic transcript data that could lead to an incorrect assessment will result in the cancellation of the enrolment, if it is already official, or after the academic certification for access attached by the interested party has been reviewed by the corresponding institution.

Enrolment is definitive after verifying that the access requirements have been met, as well as the veracity of the documents presented.

Until the presentation and defence of the dissertation, doctoral students admitted to a doctoral programme during an academic year (both in the September and February call) must renew enrolment for academic instruction each subsequent academic year. This is done through the Online Secretary's Office, within the period and as per the terms established in the general call for enrolment.

If doctoral students do not perform the yearly enrolment during an academic year, they will be deregistered from the programme, except in cases of temporary deregistration established in the USC Regulations for doctoral studies.

Doctoral students from other universities who carry out temporary research stays at the USC must register for the stay at the Academic Management Units during the academic year, with the prior authorisation of the doctoral programme where they will carry out the stay.

The application, in any case, must be made before the start of the stay by filling in the corresponding application form and submitting the necessary documents (copy of ID card or passport, invitation or authorisation document, etc.).

Enrolment will be for periods within the corresponding academic year and if the dates cover two different academic years, two enrolments will have to be made. Once enrolled, students will have the right to access all USC services during their stay.

The full tuition fee for academic supervision must be paid if the stay is between 6 months and a full academic year, 50% if the duration is between 3 and 6 months, and 25% if the duration is less than 3 months. In addition, a compulsory insurance must be taken out.

The fee for the enrollment is established annually by decree of the Ministry of Culture, Education and University Planning of the Xunta de Galicia for which fees are set to meet the provision of academic university services.

The fees established for the academic year 2023/2024 by Decreto 98/2023, do 22 de xuño, polo que se fixan os prezos públicos pola prestación de servizos académicos e administrativos nas universidades públicas do Sistema universitario de Galicia para o curso académico 2023/24, are the following:

  • • Opening proceedings: 22,31 €
  • • Expedition, maintenance of identity cards: 4,79 €
  • Mandatory insurance for accidents and travel assistance: 16 €
  • • Supervision of the doctoral thesis for studies regulated by the RD 99/2011:
    • General: 200 €
    • Non-resident students from outside the European Union: 200 €

Exemptions can be applied to large familites, victims of terrorism, victims of gender violence and students with disabilities in accordance with the regulations in force every year.

The contents of this page were updated on 06.04.2024.