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The USC Centre for Modern Languages (formerly the Institute of Languages, 1975–2003) was a pioneer in introducing Czech language learning in Spain in 1988.

It currently offers short-term seminars for those interested in studying in the Czech Republic through mobility programs, as well as conversation sessions for those who wish to maintain their language skills.

Here you can find the equivalence between the CLM course levels and those of the CEFR.

Non aplicable | Semestral | 1st semester | Santiago

  • 15 Seats
  • Teaching staff: KATERINA VLASAKOVA
Grupo A
Tuesday and Thursday | 18:00 to 19:00 | null | ONLINE
Face-to-face hours
Work hours
Total hours
Preinscripción en la actividad
07/09/2023 - 15/10/2023
Matrícula en la actividad
07/09/2023 - 18/10/2023
Desarrollo de la actividad
18/10/2023 - 29/11/2023
Periodo de apertura y cierre de actas
10/01/2024 - 10/02/2024
General price
CLM: Estudiantes de la USC
CLM: Comunidad de la USC
Registration access
Virtual Secretary

Intermedio | Semestral | 2nd semester | ONLINE

  • 4 Seats
  • Teaching staff: KATERINA VLASAKOVA
Grupo A
Wednesday | 17:30 to 18:30 | null | EN LIÑA
Face-to-face hours
Work hours
Total hours
Preinscripción en la actividad
27/02/2025 - 17/03/2025
Matrícula en la actividad
27/02/2025 - 17/03/2025
Desarrollo de la actividad
17/03/2025 - 10/06/2025
Periodo de apertura y cierre de actas
11/06/2025 - 11/07/2025
Movimiento automático de lista
27/02/2025 - 17/03/2025
General price
CLM: Estudiantes de la USC y miembros de la comunidad universitaria
Registration access
Virtual Secretary


  • The schedule for this activity may vary depending on the needs of enrolled students.
  • Groups will have a maximum of 15 participants, or 4 if the activity is conducted online.
  • Study materials will be provided during classes.
  • Students must attend at least 80% of the classes and complete the required assessment to obtain a certificate of course completion.
Período USC Externos
Semester or summer course (12 hours)  36 €  42 €
Mandatory insurance for individuals outside the USC if the seminar is held in person - 17,50€

Registration is done online through the SecretaríaUSC Virtual Secretariat.

To enroll, access the Virtual Secretariat, locate the "Activities, Courses, and Exams" section, then click on "Offer" and select "Modern Language Courses and Conversation Sessions" (CLM).

Proxecto CHESGA

Conxunto de textos en checo, galego e español dixitalizados e alineados por unidades discursivas, con audio.

The contents of this page were updated on 02.28.2025.