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Teaching Quality Assurance System

The Quality Assurance System (QAS) aims to promote continuous improvement in the Faculties and Colleges of the USC, allowing them to achieve levels of quality that facilitate the accreditation and renewal of the degrees they offer, in accordance with the provisions of RD 1393/2007 and RD 861/2010, and opening the way to institutional accreditation of the centres, in accordance with RD 640/2021.

The USC's QAS framework was designed following the FIDES-AUDIT programme model, which is specified in 6 guidelines and is a response to the European standards for quality assurance (ESG).

The USC approved the first framework system in December 2009 and which was subsequently simplified in 2013. A new version was approved in February 2018 to ensure European criteria and guidelines in those areas of decision-making that fall under the institution.

Thus, the new documentation structure consists of an institutional level and a centre framework level. Both have a system manual and a process manual that ensures decision-making in the different responsible bodies, the availability of the necessary resources and the continuous improvement of the training programmes and the operation of the system itself.

Institutions should adapt the design of the framework system to their particularities, ensuring they are regularly reviewed to detect necessary adjustments.

The design of the QAS, which is mandatory for the centres, was certified after passing a documentary assessment. The centres with a more consolidated quality management can undergo a voluntary phase of certification of the implementation of the QAS that allows the institutional accreditation of the centre.

The contents of this page were updated on 12.01.2023.