ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.5 Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
Areas: Food Technology
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
Capacity to know, understand and use the principles, treatments, methods and equipments used in the Canning Industries.
Capacity to work with the different production lines, perform process control and take advantage of the residues.
Capacity to apply quality practices in the Canning Industries.
EXPOSITIVE TEACHING (18 hours, 18 hours of personal work by the student):
Block I. Introduction and Quality (6 classroom hours + 6 hours of student's personal work).
Quality factors of vegetable raw materials for industrial transformation. Classification and categorization of products according to regulations. Quality strategy. Correction mechanisms, quality management.
Raw materials in the vegetable canning industry. Vegetables. Vegetables. Fruits. Mushrooms. Seaweeds. Species of consumption, classification, biochemical properties for the elaboration of preserves. Maturity. Harvesting. Post-harvest preparation. Reception, selection and conditioning of raw materials and auxiliary material. First, second, third, fourth and fifth range products. Fresh products. Industrial processes of preparation and conditioning. Legislation
Other ingredients in the preparation of canned vegetables. Salt. Sugar. Additives: classification, function and regulation (sweeteners, acidulants, preservatives, etc). Legislation
Block II.- Preservation of vegetable products (10 hours + 10 hours of student's personal work).
Topic 4. Heat preservation. Blanching.
Topic 5. Refrigeration. Freezing. Preservation of cooked and precooked foods.
Packaging in modified or controlled atmospheres.
Dehydration. Osmotic dehydration. Sugar as a preservative.
Packaging, labeling and storage.
Block III.- New preservation technologies (2 hours + 2 hours of student's personal work).
New preservation technologies. High pressures. Electrical pulses, etc.
INTERACTIVE TEACHING (18 hours, 42 hours of personal work of the student):
Interactive teaching will be developed through:
- Laboratory practicals (8 hours, 14 non face-to-face hours) that will take place in the Food Technology I laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The conservation processes of different vegetable food products will be studied.
- Field practices that will include visits to at least two canning industries (6 hours, 6 non-attendance hours). The number, date and schedule of the visits will depend on the availability of the industries, and will depend on the existence of the budget necessary for the students to travel to them.
- Practical seminars (4 hours, 22 non face-to-face hours). The student will be able to carry out at least one work individually. The topic will be proposed by the teacher or by the student. These works will be exposed in the classroom opening a debate between the authors of the work, the teacher and the rest of the students. Current topics or complementary to the contents of the subject will be dealt with in an interactive way.
Basic bibliography
- Garrido, M. (2020). Procesos Tecnológicos en la Industria Alimentaria. Ed. Síntesis. Madrid.
- Han, J.H. (2005) Innovations in Food Packaging. Elsevier. Academic Press. , London
- Raventós Santamaría, M. (2005) Industria Alimentaria. Tecnologías emergentes. UPC-Barcelona.
- Russel, N.J. y Gould, G.W. (2003) Food Preservatives. Springer. Alemania
- Sun, D.W. (2005) Emerging Technologies for Food Processing. Academic Press, London.
Complementary bibliography
- Brennan, J.G. (2007) Manual del procesado de los alimentos. Ed. Acribia.
- Delgado, J. y col. (2019). Tecnología Alimentaria. Ed. Síntesis, Madrid.
- Fellows, P. (2007) Tecnología del procesado de los alimentos: principios y prácticas. Ed. Acribia.
- Gil, G. (2017). Innovación Alimentaria. Ed. Síntesis, Madrid.
- Jeantet, R., Croguennec, T., Schuck, P. y Brulé, G. (2010) Ciencia de los alimentos: Bioquímica-Microbiología-Procesos-Productos. Volumen1: Estabilización biológica y fisicoquímica. Volumen 2: Tecnología de los productos alimentarios. Ed. Acribia.
- Morata, A. (2008) Nuevas tecnologías de conservación de alimentos Ed. AMV.
CG1 - Knowledge in basic, scientific and technological subjects that allow continuous learning, as well as a capacity to adapt to new situations or changing environments.
CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - Capacity for reasoning and argumentation.
CT3 - Capacity for individual work, with self-critical attitude.
CT4 - Ability to work in groups and to deal with problematic situations collectively.
CT5 - Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information.
CT6 - Ability to elaborate and present an organized and comprehensible text.
CT7 - Ability to make a public presentation in a clear, concise and coherent manner.
CT12 - Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
CEG6 - Ability to direct and manage all kinds of agri-food industries, agricultural and livestock farms, urban and/or rural green spaces, and public or private sports areas, with knowledge of new technologies, quality processes, traceability and certification, and marketing and commercialization techniques for food products and cultivated plants.
IA1 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of food engineering and technology: Basic food engineering and operations. Food technology. Processes in agri-food industries. Modeling and optimization. Quality and food safety management. Food analysis. Traceability.
CR10. Ability to know, understand and use the principles of technology transfer, understand, interpret, communicate and adopt advances in the agricultural field.
The course consists of 4.5 ECTS credits. The contents will be addressed during 18 hours of lectures, 18 hours of interactive classes (laboratory practices, visits to industries and seminars) and 2 hours of tutorials.
The expository teaching will be carried out through the development of theoretical classes in which the topics of the program will be explained, and current issues related to the canning industry will be raised. The competences that will be worked on are: CG1, CT1, CT5, CT6 and IA1.
The practical classes will allow students to complete their training in the subject. They consist of laboratory practices and field practices. Field practices would include visits to companies in the agri-food sector (Aula de Productos Lácteos y Tecnologías Alimentarias (APLTA) and/or Torre de Núñez in Lugo; Conservas Isabel in O Grove; Pescanova in Vigo or Frinova in Porriño, Aceites Abril in Ourense or Fariñas Das Mariñas in Carral. The competencies to be worked on are: CG1, CT3, CT4, CT6, CEG6, IA1 and CR10.
On the other hand, the student will be able to carry out an individual work. The topic will be proposed by the teacher or by the student. These works will be exposed in the classroom (in the hours corresponding to the seminars) opening a debate between the authors of the work, the teacher and the rest of the students. The competences that will be worked on are: CG1, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT3, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT12 and CEG6.
In the tutorials, the student can consult all the doubts arisen throughout the development of the subject. The competences that will be worked on are: CG1 and CT2.
During the development of the subject, the Virtual Campus will be used as a support to the teaching.
The student's evaluation will consist of a continuous evaluation (50% of the final grade) and a final evaluation (50% of the final grade).
In the continuous evaluation the following will be assessed:
-The realization of a memory after the attendance to the laboratory practices, and the visits to the industries (20% of the final evaluation). The evaluated competences are: CG1, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CEG6 and IA1.
-The realization of work (30% of the final grade). It will consist of the oral and written presentation of a paper on topics related to the subject. The evaluated competences are: CG1, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT5, CT6 and CT7.
Attendance to the interactive activities (seminars, laboratory practices, and company visits) is mandatory to pass the subject.
In the final evaluation:
There will be a final written test to evaluate knowledge acquired in the subject and that will represent 50% of the final grade (being necessary that the student gets a minimum grade of 4 out of 10 to evaluate the rest of the merits). This test is complementary to the continuous evaluation. The competences evaluated are: CG1, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT3, CT5, CT6, CT12, CGE6 and IA1.
The above criteria will be maintained for the extraordinary call. Partial grades will not be kept for repeating students.
Students who meet the legal requirements established by the USC, may request a waiver of class attendance.
In the case that the student obtains a waiver of class attendance, he/she will have access to 50% of the theory grade by means of a final exam, while attendance to seminars, laboratory practices and company visits will be mandatory, including the work to be done.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and review of qualifications" will apply.
The subject (structured in lectures, interactive classes and tutorials) consists of 4.5 ECTS credits, which means 112.5 total hours (1 credit is equivalent to 25 hours).
Of the total time, 40 hours are face-to-face (attendance to lectures, interactive classes, tutorials and the exam) and the remaining 72.5 hours correspond to the student's work. The distribution is as follows:
-Group lectures: 18 hours, 100% attendance.
-Interactive classes (laboratory practicals and seminars): 18 h, 100% attendance.
-Tutorials in small groups or individualized: 2 hours, 100% attendance.
-Evaluation activities: 2 h, 100% attendance.
Total hours of face-to-face work: 40
-Reading and preparation of topics: 18.0 h, 0% attendance.
-Exercises: 10.0 h, 0% attendance.
-Preliminary preparation of practices and subsequent work on them: 14.0 hours, 0% attendance.
-Preparation of course work: 18.0 hours, 0% attendance.
-Preparation of evaluation tests: 12.5 h, 0% attendance.
Total, hours of personal work of the student 72.5
It is recommended:
-Attendance to the expository classes.
-Attendance to interactive classes.
-Performance of work related to the subject.
-Consultation and management of the recommended bibliography and use of on-line links of interest.
-Use of the tutorial hours to solve doubts.
The subject is taught in the two official languages of the community, Spanish and Galician.
The admission of the student enrolled in the practice laboratory requires that they know and comply with the General safety rules in practice laboratories, of the University of Santiago de Compostela. This information is available on the USC website…).
For the realization of tutorials, as well as to maintain direct communication between the students themselves and between them and the teacher, can be done through the forum of the Virtual Campus, through Ms. Teams, or by email.
Patricia Cazón Díaz
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Food Technology
- patricia.cazon.diaz [at]
- Category
- Xunta Post-doctoral Contract
Monday | |||
15:00-16:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) |
Tuesday | |||
15:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) |