ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Evolutionary Educational Psychology
Areas: Evolutionary Educational Psychology
Center Faculty of Education Sciences
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
• To know the sequence of evolutionary accomplishments from birth until age three in the physical and psychomotor, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective fields.
• To notice the individual differences regarding the normative development of infants.
• To handle the different approaches to the assessment of the infant development.
• To value cultural diversity in relation to human development.
• To develop study habits, critical analysis and discussion skills to encourage students to build up knowledge.
Theme 1. Conceptual introduction and methodology of Human Development Psychology
Theme 2. Prenatal, perinatal and postnatal development.
Theme 3. Physical and perceptual motor development.
Theme 4. Cognitive development.
Theme 5. Language development.
Theme 6. Socio-affective and self-identity development.
SECTION III. Settings development and early care principles
Theme 7. Major development contexts: family and school
Theme 8. Early care
Mariscal,S y Giménez-Dasí, M. (2017):Desarrollo temprano: Cognición, afectos y relaciones sociales (0-6).Madrid. Paraninfo.
Martín Bravo, C. Navarro Guzmán J.I. (2009): Psicología del desarrollo para docentes. Madrid. Pirámide
Muñoz García, A. (coord) (2010): Psicología del desarrollo en la etapa de educación infantil. Madrid Pirámide.
Muñoz Tinoco, V. et al. (2011): Manual de psicología del desarrollo aplicado a la educación. Madrid. Pirámide.
Berger, K. S. (2007). Psicología del desarrollo. Infancia y adolescencia. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana.
Burgos García Antonio et al. (2017):Optimización del desarrollo y prevención de riesgos en el aula de Educación Infantil. Madrid. Pirámide.
Carriedo López, N. y Corral Iñigo, A. (2013): Aprendizaje, desarrollo y prácticas. Madrid. UNED.
Delval, J. (2004). El desarrollo humano. Madrid: Siglo XXI.
Descalas, tomás, A. y Gil Llario, M D. (2006): psicología del desarrollo en la edad escolar. Madrid. Pirámide
García Madruga, J.A. (2002):Psicología Evolutiva vols I y II. Madrid. UNED.
Moraleda, M. (coord): Psicología en la escuela infantil. Madrid. Eudema
Palacios, J., Marchesi, A. y Coll, C. (Comps.) (2007). Desarrollo psicológico y educación. Vol. 1 Psicología evolutiva. Madrid: Alianza.
Papalia, D. E.; Olds, S.W.y Feldman, R.D. (2009): Psicología del desarrollo de la infancia a la adolescencia. Bogotá. McGrawHill
Santrock, J.W (2007): Desarrollo Infantil. Madrid. McGrawHill
Shaffer, D. R. y Kipp, K. (2007). Psicología del desarrollo. Infancia y adolescencia. México: Thomson.
Vasta, R., Haith, M. M. y Miller, S. A. (2001). Psicología infantil. Barcelona: Ariel.
A. General competences
G.2.- To promote and facilitate learning skills in early childhood, from a global and integrative perspective of the cognitive, affective, psychomotor and volitive domains.
G.4.- To foster in-class and out-of-class interactions and to tackle the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
G.8.- To know the fundamentals of dietetics and child hygiene. To know fundamentals of early care and the bases and development that allow to understand the psychological and learning and processes and the mechanisms that build up personality in early childhood.
G.11.- To reflect on class practices to innovate and improve the teaching profession. Acquire habits and skills for the autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it among students.
B. Specific competences
E.2. To know the development of childhood evolutionary psychology in the periods between 0-3 and 3-6 years old.
E.3. To know the fundamentals of Early Care.
E.4. To recognize the identity of this stage and its cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social and affective characteristics.
E.5. To know how to develop habits based on autonomy, freedom, curiosity, observation, experimentation, imitation, acceptance of rules and limits, the symbolic and heuristic play.
E.21. To be able to work with other professionals within and outside school in providing assistance to all students, as well as in planning learning sequences and in organizing work situations in class and in the play space, identifying the particular characteristics of the period between 0-3 years old (and 3-6).
C. Basic competences MECES
B.2. That the students can apply their knowledge in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their work or vocation, and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study.
B.3. That students can be able to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
B.4. That students should be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
B.5. That students should have developed those learning skills needed to undertake further studies with a high level of autonomy.
D. Transversal competences
T.2. Instrumental knowledge of Galician language.
T.3. Instrumental knowledge of ITC.
T.4. Information competence.
The methodology to be implemented combines the expository class approach with active and participatory methodologies, promoting the student autonomous work. Presencial whole-class activities will be focused on introducing and explaining the theme contents, clarifying the important concepts, training and guiding in carrying out the works and assignments, providing a global vision of the contents of the different sections and establishing relations between the different types of knowledge to promote the meaningfulness of learning.The materials used are available to the students in the photocopying of the faculty and / or virtual classroom.
Assignments carried out in the seminars are intended to go into detail in the concepts and specific procedures theoretically introduced before during the expository classes. With such assignments students are expected to acquire the domain in the use of the different information sources, to promote the transfer of theory into practice, to learn how to develop and present reports, to confront different points of view, and to be able to build shared meanings helped by the teacher as a mediator.The completion of the tasks and materials needed will be presented to students in the appropriate class sessions and the field guide
Activities to be developed in small groups are centered on problem and doubt solving, and on the follow-up in the work elaboration processes.
The course assessment will be computed taking into account the level of achievement of competences grading as follows:
- 50% of the mark will be awarded from the results of a test (exam) on the subject’s contents and it will be compulsory to have passed this test in order to sum up other contributions to the final mark.
30% of the grade will come from the score written reports, oral presentations and other activities in the seminars in cooperative groups, consideration must be given within the prescribed period, 80% of the work requested.
10% of the grade will correspond to the active participation in the class dynamics and individual contributions mandatory.
10% of the grade will correspond to free tasks students tutored volunteer reports, reading books, attending practical activities are optional and voluntary.
The failure to complete the exam or 80% of the required activities involve a rating of No Show, if only exceeds either the exam, while the share of interactivity, not approved rating will, with the numeric value next to 5 obtained in one section or another of the evaluation. Students who do not meet attendance requirements, those with pending matter and submit teaching exemption must make an overall test of the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, the maximum score that can get will be Remarkable.
The individual or group must be original. Any copied work will not pass the subject in the corresponding call. For evaluation, the same work non may be used for various subjects, unless a coordinated be scheduled.
The subject has a total of 51 hours of presencial classes, distributed in expository classes with the whole class group, group activities in seminars, case studies, guides and work orientation and tutorials, as well as carrying out a two-hour exam/test.
It is estimated that students in order to pass the subject should dedicate to autonomous work about 100 hours. Of which, approximately 35 should be dedicated to study tasks, material preparation, searching for information and documentary analysis; around 45 hours should be dedicated to readings and elaboration of works, drafts and conceptual maps, searching for complementary information or preparation of oral presentations and around 19 hours to working on recommended readings, autonomous learning, and solving doubts and problems.
Taking into account the basic nature of the subject and its place in the syllabus no previous requirements are required.
It is important that students get actively involved from the beginning in the subject activities and groupings in order to pass it successfully.
The Governing Council of March 25, 2010 approved the Rules of attendance in the lessons adapted to the EHEA (…) .
In the same outlines the benefits of attendance, including facilitating a "better understanding of the subject, the acquisition of skills in group and individual, continuous learning, direct interaction with other students or the possibility of a teaching-learning methodology more participatory "recall that the USC is a university classroom, so that attendance at a minimum of 80% of the class sessions is mandatory. In the cases referred to in the regulations of the faculty, students may request official exemption from teaching. In these cases, the student must contact the faculty to, if necessary, indicate specific guidelines for the implementation of the program and passing the subject.
In relation to personal or group work to be performed for the matter to be taken into account the following:
Avoid plastic covers or other unnecessary external packaging
Whenever possible deliver staples
Print on Both Sides as "ink saving"
Do not use blank pages as separator chapters or parts
Avoid attachments with no direct reference to the topics covered.
Maria Teresa Sánchez Castaño
Coordinador/a- Department
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Area
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Phone
- 881812109
- mariateresa.sanchez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Monday | |||
09:00-10:30 | Grupo /CLIS_01 + Dobre Grao 1º | Spanish | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 32 |
10:30-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 + Dobre Grao 1º | Spanish | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 12 |
Tuesday | |||
09:00-10:30 | Grupo /CLIS_03 | Spanish | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 32 |
10:30-12:00 | Grupo /CLIS_02 | Spanish | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 32 |
01.15.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 + Dobre Grao 1º | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 12 |
06.20.2025 09:30-11:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 + Dobre Grao 1º | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 13 |