ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.25 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician, English
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: English and German Philology
Areas: English Philology
Center Faculty of Education Sciences
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
To develop students' intercultural awareness and competence and to enable them to incorporate the acquired knowledge and cultural awareness into their future teaching practice.
To consolidate the students' ability to use the English language in the study, search for information, oral and written presentation of papers and participation in debates on topics related to the contents of the course.
To bring students closer to the historical and socio-cultural facts of English-speaking countries.
To acquire knowledge about the society of English-speaking countries through outstanding aspects of their culture, and to reflect on their distinctive features.
To seek an interdisciplinary approach to the basic concepts of culture, intercultural competence, history, nation and globalization.
1. Concepto de diversidad cultural. Identidad cultural
2. La diversidad lingüística de las comunidades de habla inglesa. El inglés como lengua franca. La lengua inglesa y su expansión geográfica.
3. Principales manifestaciones culturales y históricas del Reino Unido y Estados Unidos de América. Vínculos con otros países de habla inglesa.
4. Aspectos socioculturales de los países anglófonos y sus manifestaciones a través de los medios de comunicación, cine, música, literatura.
Due to the specific characteristics of the subject, new topics of interest might come up throughout the school year.
Bibliografía básica:
Kachru, B. B., Kachru, Y., & Nelson, C. L. (Eds.).(2006). The handbook of world Englishes. Blackwell
Mauk, D. & Okland, J. (2009). American civilization. An introduction. Routledge.
O´Driscoll, J. (2009). Britain for Learners of English. OUP.
Bibliografía complementaria:
Alptekin, C. (2002). Towards intercultural communicative competence. ELT Journal, 56(1), 57-64.…
Erling, E., & Philip, S. (Eds). (2013). English and development. Policy, pedagogy and globalization. London: Multilingual Matters.
Ghosn, I. (2013). Storybridge to second language literacy : The theory, research, and practice of teaching english with children's literature. Information Age Publishing.
Higgings, M. , Smith, C., & Storey, J. (Eds). (2010). The Cambridge companion to modern British culture. Cambridge University Press.
Iswandari, Y. A., & Ardi, P. (2022). Intercultural communicative competence in EFL setting: A systematic review. rEFLections, 29(2), 361-380.…
Jenkins, J. (2015). Global Englishes: a resource book for students. Routledge.
Kirkpatrick, A. (2007). World Englishes: implication for international communication and English language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
Kramer, J. (2007). Britain and Ireland. A concise history. Routledge.
Mesthrie, & Bhatt, R. M. (2008). World Englishes: the study of new linguistic varieties. Cambridge University Press.
Oakland, J. (2011). British civilization: An introduction. Routledge.
Oakland, J. (2011). Contemporary Britain: A survey with texts. London:Routledge. O´Driscoll, J. (2009). Britain for learners of English. OUP.
Risager, K. (2018). Representations of the world in language textbooks. Multilingual matters.
Smith, J. (2012). Exploring British culture. C.U.P.
Storry, M., & Childs, P. (eds). (2002). British cultural identities. Routledge.
Theune, M. & Broad, B. (2018). Multilingual matters.
Competences and results the students must acquire:
1. General competences:
G1. Learn the curricular aread of Primary education that have interdisciplinary relation, as well as the evaluation system and the teaching knowledge related to the process of teaching and learning.
G3. Efficiently deal with language teaching within a multicultural and Multilanguage context. Promote reading and write critical remarks about texts of diverse scientific and cultural contexts within the curriculum.
G4. Design and regulate the learning space within diverse contexts that attend to aspects such as: gender equality and human rights.
G11. Get to know and apply information and communication technologies. Selectively discern audiovisual information that contributes to learning and cultural richness.
2. Specific competences:
E1 – understand the learning processes related to the preiod between 6-12 years old within a familial, social and school context.
E2 – get to know the characteristics of the students, as well as their contexts and social motivations.
E52 Learn how to express yourself orally and in written form in a foreign language.
E53 develop and evaluate curricular content through the necessary didactic resources and promote the necessary competences in the students.
3. Basic competences:
B.1. capacity to show the acquisition and comprehension of the acquired knowledge.
B.2. capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to the professional field and elaborate arguments and solve problems.
B.4. Capacity to transmit information in specialized and non-specialized fields.
Cross-disciplinary competences:
T.1. instrumental knowledge of foreign languages.
This is a one-semester subject with weekly sessions (expositive and interactive sessions) that are preferably in English, with the objective of heping the students express themselves in a foreign language. We will use methodologies with the objective of promoting individual and collaborative work.
In the expositive sessions, we will combine theory with more practical activities. We will use audiovisual material and analyze texts of a social, journalistic and literary content in order to promote the students’ communicative competence. We will also include debates and activities that will promote the students’ participation in class. The students must prepare and revise the debate subject before the class session.
The materials needed for the course will be uploaded to the 'campus virtual'.
1st opportunity.
Final exam: 50%
Written tasks and other exercises: 15%
Final project oral presentation: 30%
Virtual or in person participation: 5%
Students with permission not to attend class (all kinds of official exemption):
They must contact the teacher and present the final project.
Final Exam: 70%.
Final Project presentation: 30%
2nd opportunity: the interactive part of the grade will remain the same. Students will not be allowed to retake this part in July. The questions in the final exam (50%) will be about the same topics as in the first opportunity.
In case of fraudulent tasks or exams, article 16 “Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificaciones” will be applied.
1. In person: 38.5 hours
1.1. Expositive group activities: (18 hours):
1.1.1. expositive activities.
1.1.2. class group activities
1.1.3. lesson plan presentation
1.1.4. written exam
1.2. interactive group activities (18 hours):
1.2.1. solving problems
1.2.2. case studies
1.2.3. Debates.
1.2.4. projects
1.3. Activities in small or large groups (2.5 hours):
1.3.1. group Project reflections
1.3.2. Project discussions
2. individual hours of work: 74 hours.
2.1. expositive group activities (26 hours) :
2.1.1. document reading
2.1.2. studying.
2.1.3. Preparation of written exam
2.2. interactive group activities (34 hours):
2.2.1. document reading
2.2.2. Project preparation
2.2.3. complementary information research
2.2.4. Reflexión en pequenos grupos.
2.3. small group or individual activities (14 hours):
2.3.1. answer questions.
2.3.2. Project discussions and small group projects
2.3.3. auto-evaluated activities TOTAL HOURS: 112,5
There aren’t any prerequisites to enroll in this subject. However, a intermediate-high level in English if recommended.
Coming to class and office hours is highly recommended so that teachers can answer questions and monitor the student’s work. It is also important to complete all assigned tasks, and complete individual work throughout the semester, as well as consult bibliography. IT is also important to participate actively in class.
It is highly recommended to have passed the following subjects in order to enroll in this subject:
'Ensino e Aprendizaxe de Competencias Comunicativas (Inglés)'
'Inglés: Comprensión e Expresión Oral'
'Inglés: Comprensión e Expresión Escrita'
The work done by students should be delivered, preferably, through the online platform classroom.
Related to personal or group projects, the following list is important:
- avoid plastic and other unnecessary packages.
- Whenever possible, use staples.
- Print Project on two sides and with mínimum ink.
- do not use blank pages to separate chapters or parts.
- Avoid annexes that aren’t directly related to the topic.
It is important to avoid sexist language within the classroom, as well as in any other academic contexts. You can find information about this in the following link:…
STUDENTS MUST USE UNIVERSITY TOOLS WHEN COMMUNICATING WITH PROFESSORS: email, Campus virtual, Moodle or MSTeams. Emails send from other programs, apps or social media will not be answered.
Mandatory use of institutional technological tools: Virtual Campus, Microsoft Office 365, and other tools provided by the faculty and authorized as institutional tools by the university.
NORMATIVA DE PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS protecciondatos/ index.html.
Cellphones are not allowed in class, except when given permission by professor to use when completing a task or project. Students who use their phone without permission are responsible for any legal and/ or academic consequences that may derive from the illegal use of their mobile phones.
Bear in mind that the teaching-learning process (classes / tutorials) is a private one, that is, a process of communication and exchange between the teacher and the students enrolled in the subject.
Elsa Maria Gonzalez Alvarez
Coordinador/a- Department
- English and German Philology
- Area
- English Philology
- Phone
- 881811860
- elsa.gonzalez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Jorge Fernández Avilés
- Department
- English and German Philology
- Area
- English Philology
- Phone
- 881811974
- jorgefernandez.aviles [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Tuesday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | English | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 51 |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | English | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 51 |
01.23.2025 12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 33 |
06.18.2025 12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 33 |