ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Pedagogy and Didactics
Areas: Didactics and School Organisation
Center Faculty of Education Sciences
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
The objectives of this course fall within the general objectives corresponding to Grade Elementary Teacher Education, incidiéndose especially the following:
-Design, schedule and evaluate processes of education and learning, so much individually as in collaboration with other educational and professionals of the centre.
- Design and regulate spaces of learning in contexts of diversity and that attend to the equality of gender, to the equity and to the respect to the human rights that conform the values of the citizen training.
- Boost the convivencia in the classroom and out of her, resolve problems of discipline and contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Stimulate and value the effort, the proof and the personal discipline in the students.
-Collaborate with the various sectors of the educational community and the social environment. Assume the educational dimension of the teaching profession and promote democratic education for active citizenship.
- Reflect on the practices of classroom for innovar and improve the educational work. Purchase habits and skills for the autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it between the students.
The contents are organized flexibly around nuclei like these:
1. Curriculum innovation: Phases, strategies, models and experiences.
2. Agents and curriculum planning strategies. Its characteristics in primary education. Official curriculum, teaching role and tasks of the curriculum in primary education teachers.
3. The conventional model of planning and curriculum development. Curricular decisions, the official designs of classroom curriculum. Process of curriculum development.
4. The model of curriculum planning and student-centered development. Attention to diversity. Cooperative learning.
5. Strategies curriculum planning and teacher-centered development. Teaching emerging. Strategies and means of instruction in primary education,
6. Planning and development of teaching in the classroom. Communication, relationships and languages. Curricular decisions: the official curriculum to classroom designs.
7. Evaluation, research and curriculum innovation. Fundamentals and techniques. Screening processes of teaching and learning.
8. Curricular design and development of cross-cutting themes. An interdisciplinary educational planning.
9. Initial and Primary Teacher Training Education. Projects training centers.
10. Didactic means. Your inquiy. Printed and audiovisual media.
Llorent, V. (2019). Planificación e innovación en Educación Primaria. Fundamentos para la elaboración de programaciones y unidades didácticas. Madrid: Pirámide.
Rivilla, A. y Domínguez, C. (2016). Didáctica. Formación Básica para Profesionales de la Educación. Editorial Universitas.
Zabala, Z. y Arau, L. (2014). Métodos para la enseñanza de las competencias. Barcelona: Graó.
Austin, R. (2009). Deja que el mundo exterior entre en el aula. Madrid: Morata
Blanchard, M.; Muzás, M. (2016). Los proyectos de aprendizaje. Madrid: Narcea
Castañeda Quintero, L.J, Esteve Mon, F.M., Adell Segura, J. (2018). ¿Por qué es necesario repensar la competencia docente para el mundo digital? RED: Revista de Educación a Distancia, ISSN-e 1578-7680, Nº. 56 pp. 1-20
DECRETO 105/2014, de 4 de septiembre, por el que se establece el currículo de la educación primaria en la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia. DOGA N. 121 del 9 de septiembre de 2014.
Daniels, H. (2000). Vygotsky y la pedagogía. Barcelona: Paidós
Esteve, J. (2008). La tercera revolución educativa. La educación en la sociedad del conocimiento. Barcelona: Paidós.
EURYDICE Network on Education Systems and policies in Europe:
Fernández, J. (2009). Un currículo para la diversidad. Madrid: Síntesis
Fernández Pérez, M. (1993). Las tareas de la profesión de enseñar. Madrid: Siglo XXI
Gather, M. (2004). Innovar en el seno de la institución escolar. Barcelona: Graó
Gimeno, J. (2010). Saberes e incertidumbres sobre el currículo. Madrid: Morata.
Gimeno, S., Feito, R., Perrenoud, P. e Clemente, M. (2012). Diseño, desarrollo e innovación del currículum. Madrid:Morata
Gómez, I. y F. García (2014). Manual de didáctica. Madrid: Pirámide. Llorent, V. (2019). Planificación e innovación en Educación Primaria. Fundamentos para la elaboración de programaciones y unidades didácticas. Madrid: Pirámide.
Gómez-Hurtado, I. y García-Prieto. J. (2021). Manual de didáctica general para la diversidad. Editorial Síntesis. ISBN: 978-84-368-4414-6
Herrán, A. (2012). Preguntas fundamentales de la enseñanza. Madrid: Universitas.
Imbernón, F. (2017). Ser docente en una sociedad compleja. Barcelona: Graó
Perrenoud, Ph. (2004). Diez nuevas competencias para enseñar. Barcelona: Graó
Ley Orgánica 3/2020, de 29 de diciembre, por la que se modifica la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación. BOE N. 340 de 30 de diciembre de 2020.
LOMCE: Ley Orgánica 81/2013 de 9 de diciembre para la mejora de la calidad de la enseñanza. BOE n. 295 de 10 de diciembre de 2013.
Perrenoud, P. (2012). Cuando la escuela pretende preparar para la vida. Barcelona: Graó.
Real Decreto 126/2014 de 28 de febrero por el que se establece el currículo básico de la Educación Primaria. BOE. N. 52 de 1 de marzo.
Rosales, C. (2009). Didáctica: Innovación en la enseñanza. Santiago: Andavira.
Rosales, C. (2015). Los temas transversales en el aula. Santiago: Andavira
Tórrego, J. y Negro, A. (2012). Aprendizaje cooperativo en las aulas. Fundamentos y recursos para su implantación. Madrid: Alianza.
Zeichner, K. (2010). La formación del profesorado y la lucha por la justicia social. Madrid: Morata.
G1. To know the curricular áreas of Primary Education, the interdisciplinary relationship betwen them, the evaluation criteria and the body of didáctic knowledge around the respective teaching and learning procedures.
G2. Design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals of the center.
G4. Design and regulate learning spaces in conditions of diversity and that attend to gender equality, equity ans respect for human rights thar conform the values of citizen education.
G5. Encourage coexistence in and outside the classroom, solve discipline problems and contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Stimulate and value effot, constancy and personal discipline in students.
G6. Know the organization of Primary Education schools and the división of actions that includes their operation.To perform the functions of tutoring and orientation with students and their families, attending to the unique educational needs of students. Assume that the exercise of the teaching function has to be improved and adapted to scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout life.
G8. Maintain a critical and autonomous relationships with public and private knowledge, values and institutions
G10. Reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it among students.
G11. Know and apply information and communication technologíes in classrooms. To selectively discriminate audiovisual information that contributes to learning, civic formation and cultural wealth.
G12. Understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today´s society and the fundamental competencia that affect primary schools and their professionals. To know models of improvement of the quality with application to the educational centres.
CB1. That the students have demonstrated to possess and to understand knowledge in an área of study that starts from the base of the general secondary education and is usually at a level that although it relies on advanced texbooks, also includes some aspects that imply knowledge coming from the vanguard of their field of study.
CB2. That the students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a profesional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and problema solving within their área of study.
CB3. That the students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their área of study) to make judments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CB4. That the students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a public both especialized and non-specialized.
CB5. That the students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake later studies with a high degree of autonomy.
T2. Instrumental knowledge of the Galician language.
T3. Instrumental knowledge of information and communication technologíes.
E6. Identify and plan the resolution of educational situations that affect students with differend abilities and different learning rhytmes.
E16. Design, plan and evaluate teaching activity and learning in the classroom.
E17. To know and apply innovative experiencies in primary education.
E.19. To know and apply basic methodologies and techiques of educational research and be able todesign innovation projects, identifyiang evaluation indicators.
The development of this course involves conducting lectures to the whole group, which correspond to the subjects listed in the program content relevant issues will be presented. In these classes, books and documents shall also be submitted for consideration by the student.
In interactive classes conducted various individual activities and team with a practical and applicative. Among them especially the analysis of various documents, as well as experiences, events, schedules, and video cases are included.
The tutorial will focus predominantly personalized character and develop a schedule specially dedicated for that purpose by the teacher.
It is recommended to take special interest in the study of the documentary sources, as well as participation in the sessions.
The activities of average group help to the development of the previous competitions, as well as to reflexionar on the educational practice, analyse and comprise the processes of education and learning of the distinct areas curriculares, apply the knowledges purchased to different situations by means of the study of cases and the preparation of projects and study the distinct tasks of education-learning that develop or can develop in the classroom. They favour also the development of competitions referred to the research of informations as well as to the interpretation of data and to the transmission of informations. They suppose that the student was able to comprise the educational processes of the classroom, the systems of communication, the functions that exert and the knowledge and the utilisation of methodologies of investigation on the educational practice.
The activities in small group answer to the development of the quoted competitions as well as to the promotion of the work colaborativo.
The individual work of the student body favours the acquisition of informations, the reading and critical comment of texts, the reflection on the readings realised and on the problems that can present in the classroom, as well as the assessment of the effort, the proof and also the knowledge and the utilisation of the technologies of the information and the communication. Also they develop the capacity to analyse the conditions in which it develops the educational profession, the possibilities and the limitations or difficulties with which the professionals find in the development of his professional work.
Taking as reference objectives, competences and contents of the program and the initial preparation of the students, the evaluation process and final will be screened in both the theoretical development and interactive activities.
The contents in lectures will be assessed through a review and will represent 50% of the overall grade. In this test the playback of content but also and especially the personal contributions of the student to be assessed.
Students conducted individual and team work around the activities in interactive classes. This work will be monitored by the teacher and may take the form of dossier, representing 50% of the overall grade.
The individual or group student work must be original. Any copied work will mean failing the subject and student assessment in the following session.
Curriculum design, development and innovation is a face-to-face course. Therefore it is mandatory attendance to their lectures and interactive clases. Such assistance and participation is valued .
Students with a teaching exemption wil be offered an alternative work and evaluation plan that covers set of objectives and contents of the subject.
For evaluation purposes the same work can not be used for several subjects except in scheduled activities coordinated.
Horas expositivas: 24 h.
Horas interactivas: 24 h.
Horas de tutoría: 3 h.
Total horas presenciales: 51 h.
Horas de trabajo autónomo del alumnado: 99 h.
Students taking this course will have to make a careful and critical reading of the texts suggested by the teacher to access the very concepts of the discipline and its practical applications. It is also convenient to participate actively in the proposed tasks both as interactive lectures.
The use of mentoring for whatever questions arise and for clarification, support and guidelines to facilitate the learning of the subject and the realization of the proposed work is recommended.
- Los trabajos realizados por el alumnado deben entregarse, preferentemente, a través del aula virtual.
- Responsabilidad medioambiental. Si el docente de la materia solicita la entrega en papel de los trabajos, debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos:
- Evitar tapas de plástico u otros envoltorios externos innecesarios.
- Siempre que sea posible, emplear grapas en lugar de encuadernación.
- Imprimir por las dos caras en calidad “ahorro de tinta”.
- No emplear folios en blanco como separadores de capítulos o partes.
- Evitar anexos que no tengan referencia directa con los temas desarrollados.
- Perspectiva de género:
- Se recomienda hacer uso de un lenguaje no sexista, tanto en el trabajo cotidiano de aula como en los trabajos académicos encomendados.
- Puede obtenerse información al respeto en el enlace:
- Obligatoriedad de uso de la cuenta de correo rai.
- Obligatoriedad del empleo de las herramientas tecnológicas institucionales: Campus Virtual, Microsoft Office 365, y otras herramientas facilitadas por la facultad y autorizadas como herramientas institucionales por la universidad.
No se podrá emplear el teléfono móvil, salvo cuando se use como instrumento de trabajo siguiendo las indicaciones dadas por el docente, responsabilizándose al alumnado de las consecuencias legales y académicas que puedan derivarse de un empleo no adecuado del mismo.
Tener en cuenta que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (clases / tutorías) es un proceso privado, entiéndase privado como proceso de comunicación e intercambio entre el o la docente y el alumnado matriculado en la materia.
Obligatoriedad del cumplimiento de la normativa de protección de datos:
Maria Carmen Santos Gonzalez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Didactics and School Organisation
- Phone
- 982821026
- mcarmen.santos [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Monday | |||
14:30-16:00 | Grupo /CLIS_05 | Galician | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 22 |
16:00-17:30 | Grupo /CLIS_03 + Dobre Grao 2º | Galician | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 24 |
17:30-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 + Dobre Grao 2º | Galician | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 01 |
19:00-20:30 | Grupo /CLIS_04 | Galician | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 22 |
Thursday | |||
09:00-10:30 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Galician | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 22 |
10:30-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 03 |
12:00-13:30 | Grupo /CLIS_02 | Galician | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 24 |
01.20.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 01 |
01.20.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 + Dobre Grao 2º | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 01 |
01.20.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 03 |
01.20.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 + Dobre Grao 2º | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 03 |
06.19.2025 12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 22 |
06.19.2025 12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 + Dobre Grao 2º | (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 22 |