ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Political Science and Sociology
Areas: Sociology
Center Faculty of Political and Social Sciences
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
This is an introductory Subject and of First Course, the main Objective is the Learning of the System of Basic Concepts of the Sociology and the Familiarization with them. It is question to provide the Student with the tools and essential elements that facility them the Analysis of the Society and prepare them for a better Understanding of the Sociology Subjects that will study in the next Years.
The Subject implicates a first Approach to the habitual notions in the way of sociological thought, the Perspectives in which is analyzed the different Fields of the Human Social Behaviour and the more important Authors in the Subject, not only Classical but also Present.
The Subject tries to stimulate the personal Reflection about the Fundamental of a discipline of undoubted practice Applications and its Learning needs important amounts of Curiosity and Imagination in relation to the Social Phenomenon, so an Effort to adopt Scientific Criteria to achieve a Rational Knowledge and Objective. Then the Objectives can be divided in:
General Objectives:
- To bring near the Sociology to Students that connects for first time with the Subject.
- To give to the Student a general View of the Central Points of the Subject, so the approach of the different theoretical Frameworks and the Research Methodology.
- To promote that the Student acquires the Necessary Sociological Perspective to study in depth the Knowledge and the Practice of the Subject in the Context of the Social Sciences.
- To explain the Function of the Individual in the Social Life.
- To understand the central Elements of the Social Structure.
Specific Objectives:
- To motivate the Student towards the practice Sociology through series of Activities that will accompany each Theme.
- To promote the critical Analysis in the Knowledge of the theoretical and methodological Frameworks where are elaborated the Answers to the Fundamental Questions of the Sociology.
- To develop the Individual Work Capacity, learning to analyse Information, identify the more important Ideas and express them synthetically in an Oral and Writing Way.
- To favour the Work Team Capacity, learning to distribute tasks, negotiate the contribution of each one to the collective result and assume the respective Responsibilities.
1. Object and purpose of sociology. 1.2. Scientific knowledge and sociological research.1.3. Research methods in Sociology. Origins. 1.4. postmodernity.
3.1. Concept and relationship. 3.2. Items. 3.3. Culture as a system.3.4. Cultural diversity. 3.5. Universal values and cultural universals.
3.1. Nature of the family institution. 3.2. The problem of the Universality of the family. 3.3. Family and Kinship. 3.4. Forms of family organization. 3.5 Evolution of the family in western society.
4.1. Socialization: concept and mechanisms. 4.2. socializing agents. 4.3. Theories about socialization. 4.4. Gender socialization process.
5.1. Religion as a social phenomenon. 5.2. Theoretical analyzes of religion. 5.3. The sacred and the profane. 5.4. Magic and religion. 5.5. Social functions of religion. 5.6. Religion in the XXI century.
6.1. Concept, characteristics and models of change. 6.2. Theories about social change. 6.3. Change factors. 6.4. Change's agents. 6.5 Social change and economic development.
7.1. Social stratification systems. 7.2. Stratification theories on social classes. 7.3. Social classes today.
8.l.Social mobility. 8.2. Exclusion, poverty and inequality. 8.3. poverty in the countries. 8.4. The Welfare State.
9.l. Population analysis. 9.2. demographic sources. 9.3. The composition of the population and its social implications. 9.4. Urbanization and city growth. 9.5. Dynamics of demographic change. 9.6. demographic transition.
10.1. Education and Society. 10.2. Theoretical approaches on education. 10.3. Education and inequality. 10.4. Education in a global world.
11.1. Concept of conflict and social control.11.2. Compliance.11.3. Deviation and anomie.11.4. Theories of deviation. 11.5. Crimes and Typology. 11.6. Social conflict and class conflict. 10.4. protest movements.
12.1. Concept and characteristics of the information society. 12.2. Consequences of modernity in the information society. 12.3. Different theoretical approaches 12.4. Globalization, ICT and media. 12.5. Public opinion. 12.6. Network analysis.
- A. Giddens. Sociología. Alianza Editorial. Madrid.
- Bell. D. El advenimiento de la Sociedad Post- Industrial. Alianza. Madrid.
- Beltrán, M. La Realidad Social. Tecnos. Madrid.
- Berger. P. Introducción a la Sociología. Ed. Limusa. México.
- Campo, S. Tratado de Sociología. Vol. I Taurus. Madrid.
- Castells, M. La era de la Información. Alianza Editorial. Madrid.
- Chinoy, E. La Sociedad una Introducción Sistemática. F.C.E. México.
- Dahrendorf, R. Las Clases y su Conflicto en la Sociedad Industrial. Rialp. Madrid.
- Duncan, G. Historia de la Sociología. Guadarrama. Madrid.
- Duverger, M. Métodos de las Ciencias Sociales. Ariel Barcelona.
- Einsenstadt, S. N. Ensayos sobre el Cambio Social y la Modernización. Tecnos. Madrid.
- Etzioni, A. Y Etzioni, E. Los Cambios Sociales. Fuentes, tipos y consecuencias. F.C.E. México.
- Galbraith, J. K. La Sociedad opulenta. Ariel Barcelona.
- Giddens, A. Un Mundo desbocado. Los Efectos de la globalización en nuestras vidas. Taurus. Madrid.
- Giner, S. y otros. Diccionario de Sociología. Alianza Editorial. Madrid.
- Hawley, A. Teoría de la Ecología Humana. Tecnos. Madrid.
- Iglesias de Ussel, J.A. Trinidad Requena. Leer la sociedad. Tecnos. Madrid.
- Leguina, J. Fundamentos de demografía. S.XXI. Madrid.
- Lyon, D. Postmodernidad. Alianza. Madrid.
- Mills, Ch. W. La imaginación sociológica. F.C.E. México.
- Muñoz Alonso, A. y otros. Opinión Pública y Comunicación Política. Eudeba. Madrid.
- Phillips, B. Sociología. Del Concepto a la Práctica. McGraw- Hill. México.
- Ritzer, G. Teoría sociológica clásica. McGraw- Hill. Madrid.
- Ritzer, G. La Macdonalización de la sociedad. Un análisis de la racionalización de la vida cotidiana. Ariel. Barcelona.
- Rodríguez Zúñiga, L. Elites y democracia. Ed. Fernando Torres. Valencia.
*Specific Competences:
- To know the Reference Levels in the Analysis of the Social Reality.
- To study the Sociological Paradigms.
- To domain the specific Sense of the Sociological Language.
- To understand the structural Elements of the Society.
- To analyse the Structures of Power and Conflict that derive of them.
- To understand the Change and the Reproduction like result of the Social Agents Action.
- To promote an open and critical attitude before the Social Life and its Processes of Change.
- To sensitize about the ethic Problems that are implied in the themes that has our Subject.
- To stimulate a reflexive Concern about the Problems of our Time: Multiculturalism, Ecology, and Policies of Development, of Equality.
- To promote a Scientific and Severe Spirit.
- Capacity of analysing the Social Reality like a complex set of Phenomenon in Interaction.
- To plan, design and develop with methodological Severity the Social Research.
- To relation the Knowledge of the Sociology with other Disciplines.
- To develop the Capacity of Working autonomous and in Group.
- To learn to relation and connect the Scientific Knowledge of the Subject with the Social Reality.
- To use correctly the Concepts of the Subject to resolve Practical Problems.
*Generic or Transversal Competences:
- To structure and communicate the Scientific Knowledge (theoretical-conceptual) with severity, creativity and originality.
- To put the acquired Knowledge in any type of Scientific Document.
- To develop a Capacity of Observation and Analysis.
- To qualify for the Relation of different nature Elements so the causal Inference.
- To stimulate the Capacity to order and process the Information.
*Teaching Methodology (Teacher)
- Temporary Organization. It will give 2 weekly hours of Presence Class in which they will introduce and explain the essential theoretical Contents of the Subject, showing and solving the Problems that have these Contents.
- Method of Explanation. Also the Magisterial Class it will give the Student different Materials, like reports of newspapers, Photocopies of texts, Transparencies, where it will take the development of the Theoretical Contents that are explained in the Class, securing that the Student can concentrate more in the Understanding of the Contents and he can complete them with the observations or comments that he needs.
- Expositions and Debates. It will show to the Student Themes relation with the different Lessons of the Programme, so that individual or in Group elaborate an Exposition that they will have to show to the rest of the Class and put it to debate.
- Projections of Films or Documentaries relation with the themes studied along the Course.
- Realization of Text Comments, readings and critical summary. It is recommended that the Students, specially if they wish to obtain “mark”, a Work of Reading that is thought like a procedure of complementary Education that allow them contrast the theoretical Contents of the Subject with some processes that are taking place nowadays.
- Specialized Tutorials (presence or virtual).
*Student Methodology (Students)
- Realization of the Educational Activities. There will be a set of Educational Activities, stable and other specific, oriented all of them like support of Concepts and Practice of the Formal Skills. These Activities will develop the Teaching Possibilities but all will finish in the delivery of any type of Oral or Written Report for its correction, in those Activities in which make expositions in the Class, it will reclaim them to open reflections about Conceptual and Formal Doubts.
- Compulsory Attendance to Class. It must be emphasized that for a correct execution of the Teaching Programme is indispensable the Attendance to Class.
General considerations.
The evaluation will be based on the results of the exams and the assessment of the works, in addition to the continuous evaluation by monitoring the active participation in all the activities.
Evaluated dimensions and criteria.
The acquired knowledge, instrumental skills and attitudes of observation, participation and collaboration will be evaluated.
A final exam is planned and whoever does not present it or does not pass it, will go with the entire syllabus to the July exam.
The exam will consist of a theoretical part and a practical part.
That is to say, with the exam it is tried to verify if the contents of the subject have been correctly assimilated and a systematic and adequately articulated writing can be carried out. In addition to the exam grade, the grades obtained in the different proposed activities will be taken into account in the global grade.
Diachronic evaluation (participation, involvement and interaction) 15%
Objective test (final exam) theoretical/practical: 60%
Individual and/or group activities (practices and exercises): 25%
The Work of the Student is reflected in the next table:
Presence Work in the Class Student Hours Personal Work in hours
Blackboard Class 30 Individual Studio of the Student 50
Seminars 10 Preparation of Works and Expositions in Groups 25
Tutorial Works 5 Realization of Individual Works 25
Tutorials 2 Other Tasks
Tasks relation with the object of the Study 3
Total 50 100
It is recommended that students have basic computer skills, and it is suggested that they keep their knowledge of English up to date.
It is advisable to study regularly and continuously throughout the semester, without waiting for the preparation of the final exam.
Likewise, it is suggested that students keep their knowledge of English up to date.
It is recommended to make use of the tutorials both for the supervision of the progress of the work, and for the resolution of doubts about the theory explained throughout the expository classes.
It is recommended to ask in the classroom any doubts that students may have, as this will make the class more bearable for everyone.
It is recommended to participate in class to make these more interactive and less dry.
Both the program and, as far as possible, all the teaching materials that will be used during the course will be available on the USC Virtual Campus, which will be used regularly in the teaching of the subject.
For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades will apply. The total or partial copy of any exercise or test will imply the nullity of the same with a FAIL grade.
The works and/or practices must be delivered in a timely manner within the deadlines established by the Professor, if any of these circumstances do not occur, penalties may be applied to the grade or not be evaluated. The Professor reserves the right to establish extraordinary deadlines for delivery of work, if applicable.
To pass the subject it will be necessary for the student to pass 50% of the total score, while passing with a mark greater than 50% of all the evaluation criteria (examination and practices). In no case, average can be made if the exam or the practices score below 50%.
In the case of the student body that has been granted the attendance waiver, it will be evaluated through the final exam (80%), to which the mark obtained in the practical work will be added (compulsory work and text reviews, 20%).
Francisco Eduardo Haz Gomez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Political Science and Sociology
- Area
- Sociology
- Phone
- 881815176
- francisco.haz [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Monday | |||
10:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | 0.1 |
11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Galician | 0.1 |
15:00-16:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Galician | 0.1 |
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLIS_04 | Galician | 0.1 |
Tuesday | |||
10:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | 0.1 |
11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLIS_02 | Galician | 1.4 |
15:00-16:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Galician | 0.1 |
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLIS_03 | Galician | 1.3 |
01.13.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | 2.1 |
01.13.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2.1 |
06.19.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2.1 |
06.19.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | 2.1 |