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Doctoral Programme in Nuclear and Particles Physics

Branch of knowledge
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela
pd.nuclearyparticulas [at]

This Doctoral Programme is developed within the prestigious field of Nuclear and Particles Physics, which seeks to discover the structure of matter through the study of its most basic components in terms of cores, particles and their interaction.

Duration: 3 academic years
RUCT code: 5600499
Seats number: 30

Title coordinator:
Hector Alvarez Pol
hector.alvarez [at]

Use languages:
Spanish, Galician

Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

BOE publication date:

Last accreditation date:

ISCED codes:
(441) Física
(440) Ciencias Físicas, quimicas, geológicas
(0533) Física

El programa de doctorado se desarrolla en el prestigioso campo de la Física Nuclear y de Partículas, que trata de conocer la estructura de la materia mediante el estudio de sus componentes más elementales en términos de núcleos, partículas y las interacciones entre ellas. Este campo generó en los últimos 50 años una gran variedad de aplicaciones tecnológicas en los campos de la energía, medicina e industria en general.

Las líneas de investigación propuestas en el doctorado son punteras en los campos de la física experimental nuclear y de partículas de los grandes aceleradores LHC del CERN o del GSI, en campos más aplicados de las radiaciones ionizantes en la medicina, industria y en la física ambiental, en la exploración del universo por medio de partículas y radiación de alta energía, en la descripción de la estructura de los hadróns y del confinamento de los quarks, en las teorías modernas de unificación de las interacciones fundamentales, supersimetría, extensiones del modelo estándar de las partículas elementales y de las teorías de campos integrables.

Over the past 50 years this field generated a wide variety of technological applications in the areas of energy, medicine and industry in general. The doctoral programme uses cutting-edge lines of research in the fields of experimental nuclear and particles physics of the large LHC CERN or GSI colliders, in the more applied fields of ionising radiation in medicine, in industry and environmental physics, in the exploration of the universe through particles and high energy radiation, in the description of the structure of colliders and the confinement of quarks, in the modern unification theories of fundamental interactions, in supersymmetry, extensions of the standard model of elementary particles and in the integrable fields theories.

In general, the master studies that provide access to this doctoral programme without supplementary training is the Master's in Nuclear and Particles Physics and its Scientific and Technical Applications, offered by the USC.

Access without supplementary training:

  • AREA OF SCIENCE: Master’s in Biotechnology, Master's in Science and Technology of Colloids and Interfaces, Master's in the Science and Technology of Materials, Master's in Mathematical Engineering, Master’s in Photonics and Laser Technology, Master's in Mathematics, Masters in Advanced Chemistry, Master's in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling, Master’s in Statistical Techniques
  • AREA OF HEALTH SCIENCE: Master’s in Biomedical Research, Master’s in Drug Research and Development.
  • AREA OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE: Master’s in High Performance Computing, Master's in Information Technology.

All of them offered by the USC.

In the case of other universities, the degrees with direct access are those analogous to the University of Santiago and/or areas of knowledge whose subject matter is consistent with the required prior training, the objectives and research lines assigned to the Doctoral Programme. The Doctoral Programme's Academic Committee is the body that decides on the direct admission or if the applicants need to pass certain supplementary training subjects, depending on the documentation they provide.

Other profiles: In the case of candidates with profiles different to those mentioned above, the Academic Committee evaluates each case individually. The possibility of requiring supplementary training will be considered (maximum 15 ECTS).

In the case of candidates who do not have a Master's degree, they will require an equivalence in research training credits, at least equal to those of the Master's that provides direct access, which are 12 ECTS.

Students with an unaccredited foreign degree can apply for admission to doctoral studies provided they can certify a level of studies equal to the Spanish official University Master's Degree and authorises the holder to access Doctoral level studies in the issuing country. This admission will under no circumstances entail the accreditation of the previous degree nor its recognition for purposes other than to access these courses.

Intermediate knowledge of the English language is required. This knowledge must be certified before the DPAC with by means of any official certification (intermediate level: B1, TOEFL, Cambridge, Official School of Languages, etc.). If applicants lack the official certification, the DPAC will submit the candidates to the tests it deems appropriate: speaking and/or written test and/or personal interview, to determine their knowledge of the English language.

Specific criteria of admission are the following:

  1. Academic transcript: 65%
  2. Previous research experience in the area of Nuclear and Particle Physics (participating in research projects, papers, congresses, etc.): 35%


No training complements:

- In general, students who have completed a master's degree in the field of Physics and Astronomy will be able to access this doctoral programme.

Other profiles:

- Other areas that may give access, subject to review by the CAPD and with the possibility of requiring training complements, are Biology and Genetics; Biochemistry and Biotechnology; Biomedical sciences; Earth sciences; Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering; Computer and Systems Engineering; Mathematics and Statistics; Chemistry.

- In the case of other profiles that have not completed a master's degree, an equivalence of training in research credits will be required, at least equal to those of the master's degree that gives direct access, which correspond to 60 ECTS.

- For any other profile, the CAPD will study the cases individually, may or may not admit the students and establish training complements if necessary. These complements may not exceed 15 ECTS.


1) In general, to access a doctoral programme it will be necessary to be in possession of the Spanish bachelor's degrees, or equivalent, and a university master's degree.

2) Likewise, anyone who is in any of the following cases may access:

a) Be in possession of a university degree from Spain or from another country that is part of the European Higher Education Area that qualifies for access to the master's degree in accordance with the provisions of article 18 of the R.D. 822/2021 and pass a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in all university studies, of which at least 60 must be at master's level.

b) Be in possession of a Spanish graduate degree, the duration of which, in accordance with community law regulations, is at least 300 ECTS credits. These graduates must take the complementary training required by the programme on a compulsory basis, except that the study plan of the corresponding bachelor's degree includes research training credits equivalent in training value to the research credits from master's studies.

c) University graduates who, after obtaining a place in training in the corresponding test for access to specialised health training places, pass with a positive evaluation at least two years of training in a programme to obtain a degree in one of the specialties. in Health Sciences.

d) Be in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems, without the need for its homologation, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the Spanish University master's degree and that it authorizes in the country issuing the degree for access to doctoral studies. This admission will not imply, in any case, the approval of the previous degree that the interested party holds or its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral education.

e) Be in possession of another Spanish doctoral degree obtained in accordance with previous university regulations.

f) Be in possession of a university degree that has obtained the correspondence to level 3 of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education, in accordance with the procedure established in Royal Decree 967/2014, of November 21, by which establish the requirements and procedure for the homologation and declaration of equivalence to a degree and to an official university academic level and for the validation of foreign Higher Education studies, and the procedure to determine correspondence to the levels of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education of the titles of Architect, Engineer, Graduate, Technical Architect, Technical Engineer and Diploma.

3) Doctoral students who will begin their doctoral programme in accordance with previous university regulations will be able to access doctoral education upon admission, in accordance with the provisions of the USC Doctoral Studies Regulations. In any case, they must meet the requirements generally established in said legislation for access to doctoral studies.

4) Graduates, architects or engineers who are in possession of the Diploma of Advanced Studies obtained in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 778/1998, of April 30, or who achieve the research proficiency regulated in Royal Decree 185/1985, of January 23.

5) Graduates, architects or engineers who are in possession of a master's degree in accordance with Royal Decree 56/2005 or Royal Decree 822/2021, or have passed 60 ECTS of master's studies, may access doctoral studies.

6) Diploma holders, technical engineers or technical architects who can prove they have 300 ECTS credits in all university studies, of which at least 60 must be at master's level, may also enter.

1) A feasibility report issued by a professor within the framework of the line of research to which it is linked.
2) In addition, the student must have a minimum level of knowledge of one of the following languages, English, Portuguese, French, Italian or German, equivalent to level B1. The required level will be accredited with the corresponding official certification of those included in the list of accreditations recognized by the Centro de Linguas Modernas (CLM) of the USC for the different levels of the Common European Framework:

1. Academic record: 70%

2. Previous research experience in the field of Nuclear and Particle Physics: 15%. (Publications, communications and other scientific contributions to conferences, participation in research projects). Supporting documentation must be presented.

3. Other aspects accredited in the candidate's resume: 15%. (Research stays, courses taken and courses taught, foreign language at level C1 or higher and knowledge of languages other than the native language, etc. Supporting documentation must be presented.

El programa de doctorado podrá extinguirse por alguna de las siguientes causas:

Que no supere el proceso de renovación de la acreditación establecido en el artículo 10 del RD 99/2011.

• Que no acredite el cumplimiento de los requisitos establecidos por la normativa estatal o autonómica vigente.

• Que se formule una propuesta de extinción del programa al amparo de los procesos de revisión y mejora del título de acuerdo con el procedimiento aprobado por la universidad.

• Que concurra cualquier situación excepcional que impida el correcto desarrollo del programa de doctorado.

La extinción producirá los siguientes efectos:

• Comportará la pérdida de su carácter oficial y la baja en el RUCT.

• No se podrá matricular nuevo alumnado en el programa de doctorado.

• En cualquier caso todo el alumnado afectado deberá ser informado de la extinción y de las consecuencias en lo relativo al desarrollo de sus estudios.

La Universidad adoptará las medidas necesarias para garantizar los derechos académicos del estudiantado que esté cursando dichos estudios en los términos establecidos en la resolución de extinción del plan de estudio, y aprobará el procedimiento de extinción de los programas de doctorado en el seno de la universidad.

Publication of scientific research works (articles and/or book chapters).

  • E1071A01

Presentación de comunicaciones y participación en congresos

  • E1071A02

Carrying out research stays in other national and/or foreign laboratories

  • E1071A03

Participation in training courses on basic and applied research in nuclear and particle physics, R+D+I management, creation and management of technology-based companies and similar

  • E1071A05

Development of scientific exchange seminars among doctoral students (PhDMeet).

  • E1071A07

Participation in schools or summer courses related to the research lines of the doctoral programme

  • E1071A08

Participation in seminars and courses organised by the IGFAE and its research groups and those of the “Molecular Imaging and Medical Physics Group”.

  • E1071A09

Participation in EDIUS training activities according to its annual catalogue of activities.

  • E1071A10

Participation in “Data Science in Fundamental Physics” organized by the IGFAE.

  • E1071A11
Teachers Area
Juan Jose Saborido Silva
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Bernardo Adeva Andany
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Maximo Plo Casasus
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Pablo Vazquez Regueiro
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Cibran Santamarina Rios
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Xabier Cid Vidal
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Antonio Romero Vidal
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Diego Martinez Santos
International Doctoral School
Abraham Antonio Gallas Torreira
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Teachers Area
Carlos Miguel Merino Gayoso
Theoretical Physics
Jose Manuel Sanchez De Santos
Theoretical Physics
Alfonso Vázquez Ramallo
Theoretical Physics
Jose Luis Miramontes Antas
Theoretical Physics
Elena Gonzalez Ferreiro
Theoretical Physics
Javier Mas Sole
Theoretical Physics
Nestor Armesto Perez
Theoretical Physics
Carlos Alberto Salgado Lopez
Theoretical Physics
Jose Daniel Edelstein Glaubach
Theoretical Physics
Christoph Adam
Theoretical Physics
Riccardo Borsato
Theoretical Physics
Pier Paolo Giardino
Theoretical Physics
Bin Wu
Theoretical Physics
Teachers Area
Gonzalo Parente Bermudez
Theoretical Physics
Enrique Zas Arregui
Theoretical Physics
Ma Angeles Lopez Aguera
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Lorenzo Cazon Boado
Theoretical Physics
Jaime Alvarez Muñiz
Theoretical Physics
Hector Alvarez Pol
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Jose Angel Hernando Morata
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Thomas Dent
Theoretical Physics
Teachers Area
Faustino Gomez Rodriguez
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Jose Fernando Benlliure Anaya
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Maria Dolores Cortina Gil
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Diego Gonzalez Diaz
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Beatriz Fernandez Dominguez
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Pablo Vazquez Regueiro
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Manuel Caamaño Fresco
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Abraham Antonio Gallas Torreira
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Hector Alvarez Pol
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Francesc Yassid Ayyad Limonge
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Aaron Jose Alejo Alonso
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics

El programa de doctorado se desarrolla en el prestigioso campo de la Física Nuclear y de Partículas, que trata de conocer la estructura de la materia mediante el estudio de sus componentes más elementales en términos de núcleos, partículas y las interacciones entre ellas. Este campo generó en los últimos 50 años una gran variedad de aplicaciones tecnológicas en los campos de la energía, medicina e industria en general.

Las líneas de investigación propuestas en el doctorado son punteras en los campos de la física experimental nuclear y de partículas de los grandes aceleradores LHC del CERN o del GSI, en campos más aplicados de las radiaciones ionizantes en la medicina, industria y en la física ambiental, en la exploración del universo por medio de partículas y radiación de alta energía, en la descripción de la estructura de los hadróns y del confinamento de los quarks, en las teorías modernas de unificación de las interacciones fundamentales, supersimetría, extensiones del modelo estándar de las partículas elementales y de las teorías de campos integrables.

- - Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of the skills and research methods related to said field.
- Ability to conceive, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial research or creation process.
- Ability to contribute to expanding the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
- Ability to carry out critical analysis and evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
- Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about their areas of knowledge in the modes and languages commonly used in their international scientific community.
- Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural progress within a knowledge-based society.

- Training to research in adronic phenomenology and in the physics of quark and gluon plasma.
- Obtain advanced knowledge in astroparticle physics and nuclear astrophysics research.
- Knowledge of the most modern electronic instrumentation techniques applied to research in nuclear and particle physics.
- Training to carry out research in theoretical physics of the standard model and its extensions.
- Knowledge of soliton theory, integrable theories and supersymmetric theories.
- Knowledge of the techniques applied in investigations of environmental radioactivity and ionizing radiation.
- Mastery of programming, simulation and data analysis techniques.
- Training to research in quantum field theory, string theory and gravity.
- Advanced knowledge of the fundamentals of nuclear and particle physics.
- Experience in participating in some of the most cutting-edge experiments in nuclear physics and high energy physics.

A very high percentage of the programme's graduates, a percentage that we estimate at 80% even without having complete data on all graduates, continue their careers associated with research and/or teaching in higher education centres through postdoctoral research contracts or with temporary or permanent positions as researcher and/or professor in national and foreign centres. The rest of the graduates divide their activity between the world of private business, mainly in the sectors of data management, programming, Big Data and artificial intelligence, and teaching in secondary education centres.

The main objective of this Masters degree is to train professionals and researchers in aquaculture; professionals with a solid recognised training at job level and researchers whose training allows them to carry out their research, with cutting-edge technologies, while keeping abreast of problems in production processing.

Title Reading date Authorship Direction
Prompt charged particle production measurements in small collision systems at the LHCb experiment Mención doctorado internacional 02/12/2024 Imanol Corredoira Fernández Abraham Antonio Gallas Torreira
Ricardo Vazquez Gomez
New detection concepts in noble-element TPCs Mención doctorado internacional 16/12/2024 Sara Leardini Diego Gonzalez Diaz
Shikma Bressler
Scintillating new physics with the pressurized NDGAr TPC at the DUNE near detector complex Mención doctorado internacional 02/12/2024 Pablo Amedo Martínez Diego Gonzalez Diaz
Justo Martín-Albo Simón

Hector Alvarez Pol

Xabier Cid Vidal

Juan Jose Saborido Silva
Alfonso Vázquez Ramallo
Nestor Armesto Perez
Faustino Gomez Rodriguez
Carlos Miguel Merino Gayoso
Gonzalo Parente Bermudez
Jose Luis Miramontes Antas

The contents of this page were updated on 07.07.2023.