ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 51 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 9 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Agroforestry Engineering
Areas: Agroforestry Engineering
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
Provide the student with advanced knowledge of the design and facilities of the warehouses, necessary for the drafting of a technical project and for work in production and technical management. As well as adequate knowledge and ability to develop and apply proprietary technology in the design and management of warehouses.
Warehouse design. Normative. Location. Relations between work areas: material flows and dimensioning. Construction materials and finishes. Hygienic design of facilities and equipment. Production management in the winery: organization, logistics, safety and hygiene and the environment. Complementary facilities in warehouses: fuel supply, heat, cold, air conditioning, pressurized air and sanitation.
TOPIC 1.- Warehouse design. (3 hours)
Normative. Situation. Dependencies. Relationship between work areas. Sizing of the dependencies. Construction materials and finishes. Environmental conditions of the cellars premises. Hygienic design of facilities and equipment. Examples of warehouse designs.
TOPIC 2.- Dimensioning of equipment. (4 hours)
General performance of the processes. Equipment sizing: Grape harvesting and transportation, harvest reception and control, harvesting processing machinery, tanks, barrels and bottles for aging, filters, bottling.
TOPIC 3.- Production management in the winery. (2 hours)
Organization, logistics, security and hygiene, environmental management.
In the practices and seminars examples of sizing of the premises of the warehouses and calculations of the necessary machinery and equipment will be made. Real designs will be studied, practical cases will be solved and a visit will be made to a winery registered in the D.O. Ribeira Sacra.
TUTORIES (3 hours)
Follow-up of the development of work on practical cases and resolution of doubts
Basic bibliography:
- CASP, A. Diseño de industrias agroalimentarias. Ed. Mundi Prensa. Madrid (2005).
- GONZÁLEZ, H, CASAS, J.L., CANCIO, E., Prevención de riscos en adegas. Ed. Instituto Galego de Seguridade e Saúde Laboral, A Coruña (2013)
- HIDALGO, J. Tratado de enología (Tomos I y II). 2ª Edición. Ed. Mundi Prensa, Madrid (2011).
- VELASCO, J., CAMPINS. J.A. Gestión de la producción en la empresa. Planificación, programación y control. Ed. Pirámide. Madrid (2013)
- MADRID VICENTE, A. Equipamiento vinícola, equipos e instalaciones en las modernas bodegas, Ed. Antonio Madrid Vicente, Madrid (2020).
- PEYNAUD, E and F.G. SPENCER, A. Knowing and making wine. Ed John Wiley & Sons. New York. 1 ª Ed. (1984)
Complementary bibliography:
- GARCIA-VAQUERO, E. AYUGA, F. Diseño y construcción de Industrias Agroalimentarias. Ed. Mundi Prensa, Madrid (1993).
- LÓPEZ, A. Las instalaciones frigoríficas en las bodegas. Ed. AMV Ediciones, Madrid (1992).
RIBEREAU-GAYON, P.;DUBOURDIÉU, D.;DONECHE, B, LOUVAND, A. Handbook of Enology. Handbook of Enology, Volume 1: The Microbiology of Wine and Vinifications. Ed. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York, 2ª Ed. (2005)
- RIBEREAU-GAYON, P.;DUBOURDIÉU, D.;DONECHE, B, LOUVAND, A. Handbook of EnologyHandbook of Enology, Volume 2: The Chemistry of Wine. Ed. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York, 2ª Ed. (2006)
Comp01. CG1 - Capacity to schedule, organise, direct and control the systems and productive processes developed in the agricultural sector and the industry agroalimentaria, in a frame that guarantee the competitiveness of the companies without forgetting the protection and conservation of the half and the improvement and sustainable development of the half rural.
Comp07. CG7 - Knowledge in basic matters, scientific and technological that allow a continuous learning, as well as a capacity of adaptation to new situations or fields cambiantes.
Comp21. CE14 - ideal Knowledges and capacity to develop and apply own technology in productive systems of the industries agroalimentarias.
Comp22. CE15 - ideal Knowledges and capacity to develop and apply own technology in teams and destined systems to the automation and control of processes agroalimentarios.
Comp23. CE16 - ideal Knowledges and capacity to develop and apply own technology in management of the quality and of the alimentary security, analysis of foods and trazabilidad
Note .- CG2, CE17 and CE20 competences are acquired by jointly studying other subjects of the degree.
With01. 1.1. A deep knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other inherent basic sciences to the Engineering Agronomist, that allow him achieve the rest of the competitions of the title.
With02. 1.2. A deep knowledge and understanding of the disciplines of the engineering agronomist, in the necessary level to purchase the rest of competitions of the title.
With06. 5.3. Complete knowledge of application of materials, teams and tools, technology and processes of engineering and his limitations.
With07. 5.5. Knowledge and understanding of the social implications, of health and security, environmental, economic and industrial of the practice of the engineering.
With08. 5.6. Knowledge and critical understanding on economic subjects, of organisation and management (like management of projects, management of the risk and of the change).
Skills / Skills:
H/D01. 2.1. Capacity to analyse new and complex products, processes and systems of engineering inside a multidisciplinary context wider; select and apply the most adapted methods of analysis, of calculation and experimental already established, as well as innovative methods and interpret of critical form the results of said analysis.
H/D02. 2.2. The capacity to conceive new products, processes and systems.
H/D03. 2.3. Capacity to identify, formulate and resolve problems of engineering defined of incomplete form, and/or in conflict, that admit different valid solutions, that require to consider knowledges further of the own of his discipline and take into account the social implications, of health and security, environmental, economic and industrial; select and apply the most adapted methods of analysis, of calculation and experimental, as well as the most innovative for the resolution of problems.
H/D04. 2.4. Capacity to identify, formulate and resolve problems of engineering in emergent areas of his speciality.
H/D05. 3.1 Capacity to project, develop and design new complex products (pieces, components, products finished, etc.), processes and systems with clear-cut specifications of incomplete form, and/or conflict, that require the integration of knowledge of different disciplines and consider the social appearances, of health and security, environmental, economic and industrial; select and apply the appropriate methodologies or use the creativity to develop new methodologies of project.
H/D11. 4.5. Capacity to investigate on the application of the most advanced technologies in in the engineering agronomist.
H/D13. 5.4 Capacity to apply norms of the practice of the engineering.
Expository teaching (face-to-face): Theoretical classes in which the topics of the program will be developed and clarification of doubts about the concepts explained. (Competences CG1, CG2, CE3, CT2, CT3, CE17 and CE20).
Interactive teaching (face-to-face): Seminars for carrying out practical exercises and solving doubts in a group. Carrying out an internship trip to visit a winery of D.O. Ribeira Sacra. (Competences CG2, CT2, CT3).
Tutorials (face-to-face): Resolution of doubts.
The distribution of the hours of expository, interactive teaching and tutoring of the subject appears detailed in the official schedule approved by the Xunta de Escola.
- Theory: (70% of the grade). The face-to-face exams will consist of written tests with short questions and type tests on the theoretical program. (Competences CG1, CG2, CE3, CT2, CT3)
- Seminars and practices: (10% of the grade) through face-to-face problem solving exam. It can be replaced by an individual work. (Competences CG2, CT2, CT3)
- Attendance: (20% of the grade).
The CE17 and CE20 competencies are worked on but not evaluated.
The realization of partial exams of theory and problems and the distribution of the deliveries of the practical works throughout the course, together with the evaluation of the attendance assure a percentage of continuous evaluation superior to 50%.
Students who have not been able to successfully follow the subject by course must take the final exam for the subject. This exam will consist of a theoretical part and a problem-solving part related to practicals.valued out of 10 and the grade for attendance will not be computed.
For the students with exemption from attendance must take the final exam for the course. This exam will consist of a theoretical part and a problem-solving part related to, valued out of 10 and the grade for attendance will not be computed.
These criteria will be maintained for the extraordinary call for July and for repeating students.
The fraudulent completion of any exercise or test required in the evaluation of a subject will imply the qualification of fail in the corresponding call, regardless of the disciplinary process that can be followed against the offending student. It will be considered fraudulent, among others, the realization of works plagiarized or obtained from sources accessible to the public without reworking or reinterpretation, and without citing the authors of the sources. For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades" will apply.
Expository teaching: 9
Interactive teaching: 12
Tutorials: 3
Assessment activities: 2
TOTAL (hours): 75
In this subject it is recommended to attend all teaching activities, since it collects a large amount of dispersed and continually evolving information, for which there is no updated bibliography. For this reason, in addition to consulting the bibliography on display, we recommend consulting the information provided by the teacher. It is also recommended to make frequent use of tutorials for any type of matter related to the subject.
Julio Gomez Fernandez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- julio.gomez [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Thursday | |||
18:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Adega (Aulario 1) |
19:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Galician | Adega (Aulario 1) |