ECTS credits ECTS credits: 9
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 148.5 Hours of tutorials: 4.5 Expository Class: 36 Interactive Classroom: 36 Total: 225
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
Areas: Food Technology
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Annual
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
To know, understand and use the principles of engineering and basic operations of fermented foods, of the processes in the fermentative industries, of quality management and of the safety of fermented foods. Waste management.
Deepen the study of fermentation industries, focusing in a special way on the design of such processes, machinery used in them, advantages and disadvantages of the different methodologies.
Generalities on the Fermentative Industries. Winemaking Industry. Vinegar Industry. Cider Industry Brewing Industry. Alcohol production industry. Baking Industry. Fermented vegetable industry. Management and use of waste from these industries
PART I: INTRODUCTION AND INTRODUCTION TO FERMENTATIONS (2 h + 3 hours of individual work per topic)
Unit 1. Fermentations: yeasts, bacteria, fungi in the fermentations of the different substrates (whole fruits or their must, cereals, tubers, vegetables, legumes). Wine microbiology. Microbial groups of oenological interest. Molds, yeasts, lactic bacteria and acetic bacteria. Wine yeasts. Ecology and development conditions in alcoholic fermentation. Selection criteria. Fermentation stops. Lactic bacteria. Ecology and development conditions during malolactic fermentation. Selection criteria. Microbiology of wine alterations. Control and microbial stability of the wines. Microbiology of special vinifications and derived products. Molecular biology and its applications in oenology. Microbiological techniques for culture, identification, characterization and monitoring of enological microorganisms.
PART II: WINE INDUSTRY (22 h + 2 hours of individual work per subject)
Unit 2. Wine. The wine industry in Spain and in the world. Legislation. DOP, IGP, premium wines and other denominations.
Unit 3. The grape. Description of the grape (chemical composition of the different parts of the grape). Grape transformations during ripening: physiological periods; maturation phenomena; overripement phenomena. Rot (gray / noble). The vintages. Definitions. Setting the vintage date. Harvest chores. Vintage corrections: sweetening or chaptalization; deacidification; acidification.
Unit 4. Mechanical harvesting treatments. Crushed. Destemmed. Advantages and disadvantages of de-stemming. Types of destemmers. Pressing. Types of presses. Separation of musts by qualities. Chemical treatment: Vintage sulphited. Definition of sulphited. SO2 properties on the must. Effect of sulphite on the composition and quality of the wine. Practice of sulphite: techniques, moment of sulphite, replacement products.
Unit 5. Spontaneous and directed fermentation. Surveillance and control of fermentation. Physical phenomena of fermentation. Temperature and density monitoring. Fermentation regulation means. Traced of the must. Yeasts. General characters. Study of some yeast species. Use of yeasts in winemaking: foot of vat and LSA. Alcoholic fermentation. Chemical mechanism of alcoholic fermentation. By-products of fermentation. Influence of physical and chemical agents: cold, heat, etc. Malolactic fermentation and lactic bacteria. Nature of malolactic fermentation. Bacteria from malolactic fermentation. Malolactic fermentation conditions. Planting and use of malolactic crops.
SECTION 3: VINIFICATIONS (8 h + 3 hours of individual work per topic)
Unit 6. Vinification in red I. General characteristics. Particular operations of red winemaking: vatting, uncorking and pressing. Recently used techniques: continuous vinification; thermovinification; vinification by carbonic maceration.
Unit 7. White and pink winemaking. Generalities about white wines. Particular operations of white winemaking: treatment of grapes; wort treatment and fermentation. Elaboration of rosé wines.
Unit 8. Special vinifications. Sparkling wines. Pasty and liqueur wines. Natural sweet wines. Port wines. Sherry wines. Wines for the production of brandy.
Unit 9. Wine and its composition. Chemical composition of wine: substances with a sugary taste; acidic substances; salty taste substances; substances with a bitter and astringent taste; other substances. Physical properties of wine. Physico-chemical state of the wine.
SECTION 4: POSTFERMENTATIVE OPERATIONS. (6 h + 3 hours of individual work per subject)
Topic 10. Maturation, aging, aging and wine conservation of wines. Overview. Wine transformations during maturation and aging: chemical and physical phenomena; organoleptic modifications. Maturation conditions. Bottle aging conditions. Accelerated aging. Cleaning and hygiene of the premises. Cleaning and hygiene of wine containers. Racking. Filling. Conservation under nitrogen. The blend of the wines (coupage).
Unit 11. Cleanliness and clarification of wines. Notions of limpidity. Spontaneous clarification. Gluing clarification. Clarification by filtration. Clarification by centrifugation. Comparison of the various clarification systems. Particular stabilization treatments. Bottling. Heat treatment. Cold treatment. Other treatments. Filling bottles. Cork stopper
Topic 12. Defects and diseases of wines. Aerobic diseases. Anaerobic diseases. Alterations due to the redox potential: iron, brown and copper breaks. Other alterations. Flaws defects or accidents. Treatments and prevention.
PART III: OTHER ALCOHOLIC AND DERIVATIVE DRINKS (8 h + 3 hours of individual work per topic)
Unit 13. Beer. The beer industry to Spain. Legislation. Beer: definition and specifications. Permitted practices and prohibitions. Types of beers. Beer qualities and defects. General notions about the beer manufacturing process.
Unit 14. Raw materials. Carbohydrate sources. Barley The attachments: raw grains and sugary compounds. Malt manufacturing technology. Malting. Introduction. Barley processing. Composition and quality of the grain. Manufacture of beer must. The braceado or brazaje. Composition and quality of beer must. Water in the beer industry. Introduction. Water use in malting and beer industries. Effect of some ions. Water fixes. Hops. Introduction. Hops description. Industrial classification. Hop composition. Hop quality evaluation. Hops storage. Commercial presentations. Yeasts. Fermentation yeasts: high, low.
Topic 15. Brewing: grinding; braised; filtration; boiling and hopping; cooling of the must. Fermentation. Fermentation objective. Preparation of the must for fermentation: airing and planting of microorganisms. Transformations during fermentation. Fermentation control. Fermentation models: high, low and accelerated. Equipment for fermentation.
Topic 16. Post-fermentation operations: beer maturation. Introduction. Second fermentation. Turbidity prevention. Artificial carbonation and normalization. Maturation of flavor. Incorporation of additives. Guard driving models. Beer finish. Filtration. Pasteurization. Packing. Yeast recovery.
PART IV: OTHER ALCOHOLIC AND DERIVATIVE DRINKS (8 h + 3 hours of individual work per topic)
Unit 17. Cider production industry. The cider industry in Spain. Legislation. Overview. Raw material (chemical composition of the apple). Fermentation microflora. Action of the microflora. Elaboration process. Cider by-products and derivatives.
Topic 18. Production of other fermented beverages. Legislation. Sake, Kombucha, and others. Raw material. Microorganisms that participate in fermentation.
Topic 19. Vinegar production industry. Overview. Legislation. Vinegar types. Legislation. Industrial vinegar manufacturing systems. Vinegar disorders and defects.
Unit 20. Industry of the production of distillates. Overview. Legislation. Fermentable raw materials. Microorganisms involved. Industrial processing. Description of the most common distillates.
Topic 21. Baking industry. Overview. Legislation. Raw Materials. Microorganisms that intervene in fermentation. Different types of pre-ferments: sourdough, biga, poolish. Hydration of the masses. Preparation of differe nt types of bread. Bread defects and precautions to take. Special breads. Legislation.
PART IV: INDUSTRY OF PRODUCTION OF VEGETABLES AND FERMENTED FRUITS. (4 h + 3 hours of individual work per subject)
Topic 22. Microorganisms that intervene in the fermentation of fermented vegetables. Lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, fungi. Bacillus subtilis, Aspergillus oryzae, Rhizopus oligosporus, Monilia, among others. Fermentative characteristics of lactic acid bacteria.
Topic 23. Fermented vegetable production industry. Introduction. Legislation. Gherkin pickles: preparation process and types. Sour cabbage: production process. Table olives: processes for making green and black olives. Almagro aubergines. Fermented soybeans: soy sauce, miso, tempeh, SCP, Kombucha, Water Kefir, Umeboshi Plums.
PART V: MANAGEMENT AND USE OF WASTE. (2 h + 3 hours of individual work per subject) Topic 24. Management and use of waste in the fermentation industries. Winemaking Industry. Vinegar industry. Brewing industry. Cider industry. Distillate industry. Baking industry. Fermented vegetable industry. Sewage water.
Competencias transversales - Lengua extranjera. Glosario en inglés y francés y uso de libros en ingles que será evaluado
Interactive work will deepen aspects of the Theory through preparation and presentation of papers and discussion in Forum with punctuation using the tools of the Moodle platform.
Practice 1. Panary fermentation: study of the influence of various factors (yeast concentration, temperature, presence of inhibitors, etc.) on the lifting of the dough. Elaboration of sourdough and elaboration of breads with different cultures of sourdough and yeast and different flours with cereals and pseudocereals. Analysis of the physical and sensory characteristics of the bread products obtained. (This practice requires two days of 4 hours each).
Practice 2. Fermentation of vegetables. Elaboration of fermented vegetables. Analysis of the physical and sensory characteristics of different commercial fermented products. Labeling analysis and sensory analysis. Comparative analysis of different fermented plant products mentioned on the agenda or some novel product, both Spanish and from different countries (depending on market availability). Tasting aptitude: sensory analysis tests. (This practice requires a day of 2 h each in the interval of waiting for the cooking and cooling of the breads).
Practice 3. Fermentation of Kombucha
Practice 4. Fermentation of vinegar
(In some fermentations, students will be required to carry out fermentations outside the classroom so that they can see the evolution, how to overcome obstacles and fermentative stops, such as the lees, how a fermentation that is carried out regularly behaves, how a second fermentation is carried out and the difference
BIOINFORMATIC PRACTICE. Omic technologies for the detection and identification of microorganisms.
In the tutorials doubts will be resolved on the issues that are not clear
Visits to Industries and Research Centers related to Fermentative Industries. (10 h)
They consist of visiting fermentative industries and related research centers to observe and learn on-site processes, applications, problem solving, etc .: 10 hours consisting of visiting 3 industries / centers (2.5 hours per industry / center + 2.5 hours of travel) that They will be held towards the end of the course (April - May) once the processes and equipment explained in the theory classes are known.
The possible centers / industries will be, according to availability, Custom Drinks (Chantada, Lugo), Via Romana, Vinigalicia, EVEGA (Leiro, Ourense), Viña Costeira (Ribadavia, Ourense), and Rectoral de Amandi (Sober, Lugo), Martín Codax and Condes de Albarei (also in the province of Pontevedra), among others. Fontecelta (related to water and beer) (Sarria, Lugo),
Virtual visits /webinars to wineries or industries or experts that carry them out will be considered.
Field trip is mandatory.
A report will be prepared that will be delivered and discussed in the corresponding Forum with qualification in the Virtual Campus of the USC
Relevance will be given to the ON-LINE bibliography materials (besides autonomic languages, English or French) that will be indicated in advance for their work in autonomous learning prior to the lectures and that the document or the link will be deposited in the corresponding section in Themes on the Moodle platform.
Bibliográfía básica (disponible en libros electrónicos en la Biblioteca Universitaria):
• Starter Cultures in Food Production, 2017 Eds: Barbara Speranza, Antonio Bevilacqua, Maria Rosaria Corbo, Milena Sinigaglia. Print ISBN:9781118933763. Online ISBN:9781118933794. DOI:10.1002/9781118933794. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
• FERMENTED BEVERAGES Volume 5: The Science of Beverages (2019) Editors: Alexandru Grumezescu Alina Maria Holban Paperback ISBN: 9780128152713, eBook ISBN: 9780128157039. Woodhead Publishing
• Food, Fermentation, and Micro-organisms, 2nd Edition (2019) Ed: Charles W. Bamforth, David J. Cook. ISBN: 978-1-405-19872-1. Wiley-Blackwell
Bibliografía complementaria (disponible en libros electrónicos en la Biblioteca Universitaria):
• Trends in Wheat and Bread Making, 2021 Ed: Charis Galanakis. eBook ISBN: 9780128231913. Paperback ISBN: 9780128210482. Academic Press
• Food Microbiology. Principles into Practice. Volume1: Microorganisms Related to Foods, Foodborne Diseases, and Food Spoilage (2016) Editor(s): Osman Erkmen, T. Faruk Bozoglu. Print ISBN:9781119237761 |Online ISBN:9781119237860 |DOI:10.1002/9781119237860. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
CG1 - Conocimiento en materias básicas, científicas y tecnológicas que permitan un aprendizaje continuo, así como una capacidad de adaptación a nuevas situaciones o entornos cambiantes.
CG4 - Capacidad para la búsqueda y utilización de la normativa y reglamentación relativa a su ámbito de actuación.
CG6 - Capacidad para el trabajo en equipos multidisciplinares y multiculturales.
CT1 - Capacidad de análisis y síntesis.
CT2 - Capacidad para el razonamiento y la argumentación.
CT3 - Capacidad de trabajo individual, con actitud autocrítica.
CT4 - Capacidad para trabajar en grupo y abarcar situaciones problemáticas de forma colectiva.
CT5 - Capacidad para obtener información adecuada, diversa y actualizada.
CT6 - Capacidad para elaborar y presentar un texto organizado y comprensible
CT7 - Capacidad para realizar una exposición en público de forma clara, concisa y coherente
CT8 - Compromiso de veracidad de la información que ofrece a los demás.
CT9 - Habilidad en el manejo de tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC).
CT10 - Utilización de información bibliográfica y de Internet.
CT11 - Utilización de información en lengua extranjera.
CT12 - Capacidad para resolver problemas mediante la aplicación integrada de sus conocimientos.
CEG1 - Capacidad para Ia preparación previa, concepción, redacción y firma de proyectos que tengan por objeto la construcción, reforma, reparación, conservación, demolición, fabricación, instalación, montaje o explotación de bienes muebles o inmuebles que por su naturaleza y características queden comprendidos en la técnica propia de la producción agrícola y ganadera (instalaciones o edificaciones, explotaciones, infraestructuras y vías rurales), la industria agroalimentaria (industrias extractivas, fermentativas, lácteas, conserveras, hortofrutícolas, cárnicas, pesqueras, de salazones y, en general, cualquier otra dedicada a Ia elaboración y/o transformación, conservación, manipulación y distribución de productos alimentarios) y la jardinería y el paisajismo (espacios verdes urbanos y/o rurales -parques, jardines, viveros, arbolado urbano, etc.-, instalaciones deportivas públicas o privadas y entornos sometidos a recuperación paisajística).
CEG2 - Conocimiento adecuado de los problemas físicos, las tecnologías, maquinaria y sistemas de suministro hídrico y energético, los límites impuestos por factores presupuestarios y normativa constructiva, y las relaciones entre las instalaciones o edificaciones y explotaciones agrarias, las industrias agroalimentarias y los espacios relacionados con la jardinería y el paisajismo con su entorno social y ambiental, así como la necesidad de relacionar aquellos y ese entorno con las necesidades humanas y de preservación del medio ambiente.
CEG3 - Capacidad para dirigir la ejecución de las obras objeto de los proyectos relativos a industrias agroalimentarias, explotaciones agrarias y espacios verdes y sus edificaciones, infraestructuras e instalaciones, la prevención de riesgos asociados a esa ejecución y la dirección de equipos multidisciplinares y gestión de recursos humanos, de conformidad con criterios deontológicos.
CEG4 - Capacidad para la redacción y firma de mediciones, segregaciones, parcelaciones, valoraciones y tasaciones dentro del medio rural, la técnica propia de la industria agroalimentaria y los espacios relacionados con la jardinería y el paisajismo, tengan o no carácter de informes periciales para Órganos judiciales o administrativos, y con independencia del uso al que este destinado el bien mueble o inmueble objeto de las mismas.
CEG5 - Capacidad para la redacción y firma de estudios de desarrollo rural, de impacto ambiental y de gestión de residuos de las industrias agroalimentarias, explotaciones agrícolas y ganaderas, y espacios relacionados con la jardinería y el paisajismo.
CEG6 - Capacidad para la dirección y gestión de toda clase de industrias agroalimentarias, explotaciones agrícolas y ganaderas, espacios verdes urbanos y/o rurales, y áreas deportivas públicas o privadas, con conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías, los procesos de calidad, trazabilidad y certificación y las técnicas de marketing y comercialización de productos alimentarios y plantas cultivadas.
IA1 - Capacidad para conocer, comprender y utilizar los principios de la Ingeniería y tecnología de los alimentos: Ingeniería y operaciones básicas de alimentos. Tecnología de alimentos. Procesos en las industrias agroalimentarias. Modelización y optimización. Gestión de la calidad y de la seguridad alimentaria. Análisis de alimentos. Trazabilidad
IA2 - Capacidad para conocer, comprender y utilizar los principios de la Ingeniería de las industrias agroalimentarias: Equipos y maquinarias auxiliares de la industria agroalimentaria. Automatización y control de procesos. Ingeniería de las obras e instalaciones. Construcciones agroindustriales. Gestión y aprovechamiento de residuos.
Training activity according to the memory of the Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural and Agri-Food Engineering
• Expository teaching in group of up to 80 students: 48 hours, 100% face-to-face
• Interactive teaching in group of 20 students (seminars, laboratory): 24 hours, 100% face-to-face
• Group tutoring of 10 students: 4.5 hours, 100% face-to-face
• Assessment activities: 5 hours, 100% presentiality
• Reading and preparation of topics: 60 hours, 0% presentiality
• Completion of exercises: 14 hours, 100% face-to-face
• Preliminary preparation of the internships and subsequent work on them: 24 hours, 100% presentiality
• Preparation of course work: 25 hours, 100% presentiality
• Preparation of assessment tests: 20.5 hours, 100% face-to-face
- Expository teaching: the students acquire the following competences according to the numbering indicated in the Current Memory of the Title (MMT): CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, IA1, IA2, CR10 ..
The theoretical classes will be taught in two hours a week throughout the course. Autonomous and cooperative learning will be combined in which students will work part of the contents of the subject outside the classroom with self-learning material and autonomous work guides, and directed learning will combine expository theoretical classes and participatory theoretical classes in the ones that work the self-learning material. The flipped classroom or flipped classroom methodology will be followed. At least one week before the class, the class material will be uploaded in pdf, videos, questionnaires and other materials that may be in other languages, as well as questionnaires and questions through the Moodle platform, creating working groups. Autonomous learning will be cooperative working in small groups of students who will work within their group in the Forum, in Wiki and in other tools of the Moodle platform. The different activities will be continuously evaluated by scoring in the Moodle platform tool. Participation in the tools of the Moodle platform that are required for a better understanding of the subject will be encouraged: Forum, Glossary, Questionnaire and others
- Interactive teaching of Seminars: With them the following skills are acquired: CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9 , CT10, CT11, CT12, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, IA1, IA2, CR10. In the seminars we will work with material in English and French mostly that will also be evaluated.
We will work with scientific articles, elaboration of flow diagrams and explanation of the process based on videos and Glossary for the elaboration of individual works.
- Interactive teaching of laboratory practices: Competences are acquired, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9 , CT10, CT11, CT12, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, IA1, IA2, CR10. Laboratory practices in a group of 20 students will be taught in the 2nd semester according to the syllabus. - Field practices: Competences are acquired: CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG6, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, IA1, IA2, CR10. The knowledge of the student is evaluated in questionnaire tests (Moodle).
group tutorials:
TUTORIALS OF ATTENTION TO THE STUDENT. They are tutorials that are not reflected in the calendar, which will be carried out throughout the course to answer questions from students. To carry out tutorials, as well as to maintain direct communication both between the students themselves and between them and the teacher, you can use the Virtual Campus forum, MS Teams or email or WhatsApp
Attendance exemption. Students who have an attendance exemption will be able to do the same work as everyone else in terms of all work and assessments done through the Moodle e-learning platform. The practices will be face-to-face
According to the memory of the Degree in Agricultural and Agri-Food Engineering, the evaluation system will be established with an interval between a minimum and a maximum weight according to the following relationship:
1. Attendance (0.0-20.0)
2. Test or tests, oral and / or written (0.0-70.0%)
3. Completion of exercises (0.0-30.0%)
4. Use of practices (0.0-30.0%)
5. Work submitted and / or presented (0.0-100.0%)
6. Participation of students in classroom activities (0.0-20.0%)
7. Activities in a foreign language (0.0 - 20%)
Assessment of the lectures + continuous assessment (40%): The skills acquired (CG1, CG4, CG6, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG6, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10 , CT11, CT12, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, IA1, IA2) will be evaluated through Continuous Assessment, Questionnaire and
tranversal competences - foreing language. Glossary in english and french as well as books in english
Interactive seminars and laboratories: the skills acquired (CG1, CG4, CG6, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG6, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, IA1, IA2) will be evaluated through delivery of individual works by Task Submission.
- Field practices: the skills acquired (CG1, CG4, CG6, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG6, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CEG1, CEG2 , CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, IA1, IA2) are evaluated in memory of the visits presented individually and discussed in the Forum with qualification (Moodle).
Tutories – Questionnaires may be taken
(i) continuous evaluation (30% of the grade) by means of the marks obtained by the student in Forums with punctuation, delivery of tasks, work with videos ...; and other e-learning tools on the Moodle platform. It will include the note of Forums, Seminars, Trips, Practices. Videos (10%), eminarios (10%), Prácticas (10%). Each item must be passed with 50% of the total mark.
(ii) Four assignments / multiple choice tests throughout the course (50% of the grade). To pass it, it is necessary to reach 50% of the grade. They may be replaced by delivery of tasks.
(iii) 20% of the grade will correspond to work with documents and scientific or informative articles / Glossary in a foreign language.
The final grade will be the sum of the entire evaluation
First opportunity. It may be complementary to continuous evaluation, alternative to continuous evaluation, compulsory for students not suitable in continuous evaluation. It will be 50% of the total grade. To pass it, it is necessary to reach 50% of the grade that will be added to the continuous evaluation and the Glossary.
Second opportunity. It will be 50% of the total grade. To pass it, it is necessary to reach 50% of the grade that will be added to the continuous evaluation and the Glossary.
The evaluation criteria for repeaters will be the same as for the other students
Repeating students. Repeating students from previous years will be exempt from the duty to attend face-to-face classes. To pass the subject, it is mandatory to carry out and deliver the proposed activities on the same dates established for the rest of the students, as well as to pass the Test-type test and the practical exam.
Attendance waiver or class waiver: Students who do not attend any of the teaching activities scheduled due to work or family conciliation must comply with the provisions of Instruction 1/2017 of the General Secretariat. In these cases, to pass this subject, it is mandatory to carry out and deliver the proposed activities, as well as to pass the Test-type tests.
According to the Memory of the title:
9 ECTS credits x 25 hours / credit = 225 hours, of which 143.5 correspond to the student's personal work
Lectures: 24 topics x 3 hours of individual work per topic = 72 hours (Reading and preparing topics + Carrying out exercises)
Interactive: Previous preparation of the internships and subsequent work on them + Preparation of course assignments = 49 hours
Assessment: Completion of exercises + Preparation of assessment tests = 22.5 hours
- It is recommended to the student (a) to have studied or to study in parallel the subjects: Basic Food Operations, Biochemistry and Microbiology.
-The admission of students enrolled in the practical laboratory requires that they know and comply with the General Safety Standards in the practical laboratories of the University of Santiago de Compostela. The above information is available on the USC website… -seguridade-nos-laboratorios-de-practicas.pdf).
The course is taught in the oficial languages of the autonomic community.
Given the current situation derived from the COVID-19 CRISIS, alternative teaching scenarios to the above indicated have been considered. In brief:
Scenario 2.
Expository teaching: it will be taught entirely by Teams (synchronous mode).
Interactive teaching: laboratory practices and seminars (face-to-face). Computer practices through the Virtual Campus (synchronous mode)
Online tutoring (Teams) and Virtual Campus Forum.
Scenario 3.
Expository teaching: it will be taught entirely by Teams (synchronous mode).
Interactive teaching: through Teams and Virtual Campus (synchronous mode)
Online tutoring (Teams) and Virtual Campus Forum
Recommendations for the study of the subject
-Participate actively, constructively and respectfully in classes and seminars.
-Prepare and complement the contents that are working on the subject with the basic bibliography and complementary recommended.
-Developing habits of autonomous search for scientific information.
-To take advantage of the available resources for the student, from the university library.
-Use appropriate tutorials to know in detail the recommendations of the teacher and clarify any doubts that arise in the learning process.
- It is recommended to the student (a) to have studied or to study in parallel the subjects: Basic Food Operations, Biochemistry and Microbiology.
-The admission of students enrolled in the practical laboratory requires that they know and comply with the General Safety Standards in the practical laboratories of the University of Santiago de Compostela. The above information is available on the USC website… -seguridade-nos-laboratorios-de-practicas.pdf).
The course is taught in the oficial languages of the autonomic community. English language is required
Patricia Cazón Díaz
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Food Technology
- patricia.cazon.diaz [at]
- Category
- Xunta Post-doctoral Contract
Marta Prado Rodriguez
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Food Technology
- Phone
- 982822441
- marta.prado [at]
- Category
- Investigador/a Distinguido/a
Antonio Souto Prieto
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Food Technology
- antonio.s.prieto [at]
- Category
- Predoutoral USC_Campus Terra