ECTS credits ECTS credits: 9
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 148.5 Hours of tutorials: 4.5 Expository Class: 36 Interactive Classroom: 36 Total: 225
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
Areas: Food Technology
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Annual
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
The students know, understand, and use the principles of engineering and basic operations of food.
Food technology.
Processes in dairy industry.
Modeling and optimization.
Management of the quality and food safety in the dairy industry.
Analysis of dairy products.
The course materials cover the following contents:
Concepts related to quality in the Dairy Products Industry. Composition and technological characteristics of milk. Pre-treatments for milk. Production of milk for drinking. Fermented dairy products. Cheesemaking. Butter production. Management and use of wastes.
Unit 1. Definition. Composition and structure of milk in relation to nutritional and technological properties. Summary of the composition and structure. (1 hour). (2 h, non attendance).
Unit 2. Lipids. Fat globules. Composition. Fatty acids. Modification of its composition. Milk homogenization. Alteration of the lipids: lipolysis and oxidation. (3 hours). (5 h, non attendance).
Unit 3. Nitrogenised compounds. Proteins. Caseins. Characteristics. Micelles of casein: provided structures. Enzymatic coagulation. Lactic coagulation. Whey proteins. Characteristics. Fat globule membrane proteins. Bioactives peptides. Enzymes. (4 hours). 7 h, non attendance).
Unit 4. Carbohydrates. Lactose. Physical-chemical aspects. Chemical properties. Obtaining and utilization. (2 hours). (3 h, non attendance).
Unit 5. Minerals. Macroelements. Contents. Distribution. Trace elements. Vitamins. Effects of several factors in its content. (1 hour). (2 h, non attendance).
Unit 6. Differences in the composition of milk between different species. Sheep milk, goat milk, etc. Human milk. Factors that influence in milk composition. Mastitis. (3 hours). 5 h, non attendance).
Unit 7. Microbiology of the milk. Origin. More important microorganisms in the milk and dairy products. Starter cultures. (4 hours). (6 h, non attendance).
Unit 8. Raw milk. Authorization for the commercialization for human consumption. Collection and transport. Quality control. Reception in the industry. Physical purification. Thermisation. Refrigeration. Skimmed. Other pretreatments: bactofugation, microfiltration. (2 hours). (4 h, non attendance).
Unit 9. Pasteurized milk. Types. Changes caused by heating. Manufacturing process. Packaging. Microorganisms that survive to pasteurization. (2 hours). (3 h, non attendance).
Unit 10. Sterilized milk. Manufacturing process. UHT milk. Indirect UHT and direct UHT. Comparison. (3 hours). (5 h, non attendance).
Unit 11. Concentrated and dried milks. Concentrated milk. Evaporated milk. Sweetened condensed milk. Dried milk. Composition. Manufacturing process. Utilization in food industry. (3 hours). (5 h, non attendance).
Unit 12. Cream. Composition. Manufacturing process. Butter. Composition. Manufacturing process. Methods that increase its quality. Anhydrous milk fat. (3 hours).(5 h, non attendance).
Unit 13. Aplication of membrane systems to dairy industry. Reverse osmosis. Nanofiltration. Ultrafiltration. Microfiltration. (2 hours). (3 h, non attendance).
Unit 14. Fermented milks. Yogurt. Types. Raw materials and additives. Manufacturing process. Other fermented milks. Kefir. Effects on the human health. (5 hours). (8 h, non attendance).
Unit 15. Cheeses. Manufacturing process. Types. Brine depuration. (5 hours). (9 h, non attendance).
Unit 16. Utilization of by-products of dairy industry. Products obtained of the whey. Caseinates manufacturing. Application of milk proteins. (3 hours). (5 h, non attendance).
Unit 17. Other dairy products. Ice-creams. Types. Manufacturing process. Milk desserts. Functional dairy products. (2 hours). (3 h, non attendance).
Development of course work: 40 h, non attendance
Laboratory practices (16 hours): (26 h, non attendance)
Utilization of milk, dairy products and milk proteins in food industry.
Manufacturing of milks and dairy products.
Field Practices. Visits to dairy industries (8 hours):
They will be carried out depending on industries availability and the existence of the budget required for bus rental.
Laboratory and field practices. Compulsory attendance.
BYLUND G. 2003. Manual de Industrias lácteas. Madrid Vicente, A. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
WALSTRA, P. 2001. Ciencia de la leche y tecnología de los productos lácteos. Acribia. Zaragoza.
CHANDAN, R.C., KILARA, A. 2011. Dairy ingredients for food processing. Wiley-Blackwell. Ames, USA.
CHANDAN, R.C., KILARA, A., SHAH, N.P. 2016. Dairy processing and quality assurance. Wiley-Blackwell. Ames, USA.
DATTA, N., TOMASULA, P.M. 2015. Emerging dairy processing technologies. Opportunities for the dairy industry. Wiley Blackwell. Chichester, UK.
ESTEIRE L. 2014. Queserías: nuevo manual técnico. AMV. Madrid
FAO, OMS. 2011. Leche y productos lácteos. Comisión del Codex Alimentarius. FAO. Roma.
JEANTET, R., 2017. Initiation à la technologie fromagère. Lavoisier. Paris
JEANTET, R., et al. 2005. Ingeniería de los procesos aplicada a la industria láctea. Acribia. Zaragoza.
LUCERO, C. 2016. Quesos en una hora: queso ricotta, mozzarella, de cabra, paneer e incluso burrata, ¡quesos frescos y sencillos que puedes hacer en una hora o menos. Obelisco. Barcelona.
MADRID A., MADRID J., ESTEIRE E, 2016. Fabricación de helados. AMV. Ediciones. Madrid.
MADRID VICENTE, A. 2013. Ciencia y tecnología de los alimentos. Vol 1. AMV. Ediciones Madrid.
MADRID VICENTE, A. 2018. Fabricación de yogur, kéfir y postres lácteos / Antonio Madrid Vicente Editor. AMV. Madrid.
MAHAUT, M., BRULE, G. Y JEANTET, R. 2003. Productos lácteos industriales. Acribia. Zaragoza
MAHAUT, M., JEANTET, R. y BRULE, G. 2003. Introducción a la tecnología quesera. Acribia. Zaragoza
ORDOÑEZ, J.A., CAMBERO, M.I., FERNANDEZ, L., GARCIA, M.L., GARCIA DE FERNANDO, G., HOZ, L., SELGAS, M.D. 1998. Tecnología de los Alimentos. Vol. II. Alimentos de origen animal. Ed. Síntesis. Madrid.
PARK, Y.W., HAENLEIN, G.F.W. 2011. Manual de la leche de los mamíferos no bovinos. Acribia. Zaragoza.
ROMERO DEL CASTILLO, R. y MESTRES, J. 2004. Productos lácteos. Tecnología. Ed. UPC. Barcelona.
SCHLIMME, E., BUCHHEIM, W. 2002. La leche y sus componentes: propiedades químicas y físicas. Acribia. Zaragoza.
SCOTT, R. 2002. Fabricación de queso. Acribia. Zaragoza.
Databases available in USC: Web of Science, Scopus, etc.
Journals: Trends in Food Science and Technology, International Dairy Journal, Foods, etc.
Videos in youtube about dairy products elaboration.
The skills that will be worked in this course are:
General and basic skills:
CG2 - ability of problem solving with creativity, initiative, methodology and critical reasoning.
CB2 - students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually shown through the preparation and defense of arguments and solving problems within your area of study
CB4 - Students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience both specialized and not specialized.
Transversal competencies:
CT1 - capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - capacity for reasoning and argumentation
CT3 - capacity of individual work, with self-critical attitude.
CT4 - ability to work in group and include problematic situations in a collective way.
CT5 - ability to obtain appropriate, diverse and up-to-date information
CT6 - ability to develop and present an organized and comprehensible text.
CT7 - ability to perform an exhibition in public in a clear, concise and coherent way.
CT12 - ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
Specific skills:
CEG1 - Capacity for the prior preparation, conception, drafting and signing of projects aimed at the construction, reform, repair, conservation, demolition, manufacture, installation, assembly or exploitation of movable or immovable property that by their nature and characteristics are included in the technique of agricultural and livestock production (facilities or buildings, farms, infrastructures and rural roads), the agri-food industry (extractive, fermentative, dairy, canning, fruit and vegetable, meat, fishing, salting and, in general, any another dedicated to the elaboration and / or transformation, conservation, manipulation and distribution of food products) and gardening and landscaping (urban and / or rural green spaces -parks, gardens, nurseries, urban trees, etc.-, public sports facilities or private and environments subject to landscape recovery).
CEG2 - Adequate knowledge of physical problems, technologies, machinery and water and energy supply systems, the limits imposed by budgetary factors and construction regulations, and the relationships between facilities or buildings and farms, agro-food industries and related spaces with gardening and landscaping with its social and environmental environment, as well as the need to relate those and that environment with human needs and preservation of the environment.
CEG3 - Ability to direct the execution of the works object of the projects related to agri-food industries, farms and green spaces and their buildings, infrastructures and facilities, the prevention of risks associated with that execution and the leadership of multidisciplinary teams and resource management human, in accordance with deontological criteria.
CEG4 - Ability to write and sign measurements, segregations, subdivisions, valuations and appraisals within the rural environment, the technique of the agri-food industry and spaces related to gardening and landscaping, whether or not they are expert reports for Bodies judicial or administrative, and regardless of the use for which the movable or immovable property object of the same is destined.
CEG5 - Ability to write and sign rural development, environmental impact and waste management studies for the agri-food industries, agricultural and livestock farms, and spaces related to gardening and landscaping.
CEG6 - capacity for the direction and management of all kinds of agro-alimentary industries, farms and livestock, urban or rural green spaces, and public or private sports areas, with knowledge of new technologies, the quality, traceability and certification processes and techniques of marketing and marketing of food products and plants
IA1 - ability to learn, understand and use the principles of engineering and food technology: engineering and basic operations of food. Food technology. Processes in the agri-food industries. Modelling and optimization. Quality and food safety management. Analysis of food. Traceability.
IA2 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of Engineering in the agri-food industries: Auxiliary equipment and machinery for the agri-food industry. Automation and process control. Engineering of works and installations. Agro-industrial constructions. Waste management and use.
Teaching expository in up to 80 students: 48 h, 100% attendance (CB2, CB4, CEG6, IA1)
Teaching expository in up to 80 students: 48 h, 100% attendance ((CB2, CB4, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, IA1, IA2)
Interactive teaching in Group of 20 students (laboratory, pilot plant, other interactive activities): 16 h, 100% attendance. Practice travel: 8 h, 100% attendance. (CT1, CT5, IA1, IA2)
Tutoring in Group of 10 students: 4 h, 100% attendance (CT1, CT4, CT5, CT12)
Evaluation activities: 3 h, 100% attendance (CG2, CB2, CB4, CT1, CT2, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, IA1, IA2)
Reading and preparation of issues: 35 h, 0% attendance (CT5, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, IA1, IA2)
Exercises: 20 h, 0% attendance (CG2, CT6, CT7, CT12)
Preparation of practices and further work on the same: 26 h, 0% attendance (CT 1, CT2, CT5, CT6, CT7)
Development of course work: 40 h, 0% attendance (CB2, CB4, CT1, CT2, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT12)
Preparation of assessment tests: 25 h, 0% attendance (all)
225 hours total student work.
Exam or exams, oral or written. At least a partial test will be carried out throughout the course; competencies CG2, CT1, CT 2, CT12, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CEG6, IA1, IA2. 60% (Note minimum to overcome the course: 4)
Practical use: attendance and evaluation. CT1 and CT5 competencies. 10%
Delivered jobs and/or exposed: competencies CB2, CB4, CT1 to CT7 and CT12. 30%
Only students who have not performed any activity during the present course will be considered Not Presented.
These criteria will be the same for the exams of 2nd. oportunity in which the students will only have to surpass the parts not previously surpassed. These criteria also applies to the repeaters students.
There are no specific criteria in the case of students with attendance waivers.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the “Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and reviewing grades” will apply.
146 hours (included in previous section).
We recommend the resolution of doubts in the tutorial sessions.
Pay attention in lectures, seminars and practical.
Consultation of recommended bibliography.
Study of a reasoned and not just memorization.
Teaching languages are spanish and galician.
Olga Diaz Rubio
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Food Technology
- olga.diaz.rubio [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Angel Cobos Garcia
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Food Technology
- angel.cobos [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Antonio Souto Prieto
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Food Technology
- antonio.s.prieto [at]
- Category
- Predoutoral USC_Campus Terra