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Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocess (2nd Edition)

Branch of knowledge
Engineering and Architecture
Ambit of knowledge
Ingeniería química, ingeniería de los materiales e ingeniería del medio natural.
Higher Technical Engineering School
Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa, s/n, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881816700 (Conserxaría)
881816701 (Dirección)
etse.secredireccion [at]
Santiago de Compostela
Hector Rodriguez Martinez
hector.rodriguez [at]

The proposal for the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses (UMCEB) aims to adapt and adapt the postgraduate offering of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) in the field of Chemical Engineering. The Chemical Engineer is a widely demanded professional with a clearly defined competency curriculum.
The interest of a post-graduate training offer linked to the field of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering is multiple: on the one hand, it allows an intensification of training for Chemical Engineering Degree graduates, for which there is currently no academic offer. adequately designed in our country and, on the other hand, it is justified by addressing a technical field, but also scientific and academic knowledge, consolidated and widely spread, both in Spain and in other reference countries, being one of the ways for completion of doctoral studies.

Duration: 2 academic years
RUCT code: 4314245
ECTS Number: 90
Seats number: 25

Dean or center director:

Title coordinator:
Hector Rodriguez Martinez
hector.rodriguez [at]

Use languages:

Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

BOE publication date:

Last accreditation date:

· Compulsory: 45
· Optional: 15
· Compulsory external internships: 12
· Master's final dissertation: 18
o Total: 90

The study plan of the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses at USC has a total of 90 ECTS distributed in five modules that are taught over three semesters.
The teachings conclude with the preparation and defence of a Master's Thesis worth 18 ECTS, suitable for the double professional and research orientation of the master's degree.
External internships in companies or institutions are compulsory, for a total of 12 ECTS.
The optional focuses on the Research and Sustainability module. 15 ECTS will be taken. These credits will be selected from a total offer of 30 ECTS.

In the first semester, the modules are developed in parallel:
- module 1: Holistic process design (15 ECTS).
- module 2: Business management and direction (15 ECTS).
In the second semester, the following are developed sequentially:
- module 3: Bioprocesses.
- module 4: Research and sustainability.
It is considered that this sequential development of modules in the 2nd semester will facilitate mobility under the protection of double degree agreements with South American universities in which the academic year begins approximately in March after the southern summer holidays.
Module 4 concentrates the optional subjects of the master's degree, with only one compulsory subject of research planning and the rest of the module being completed with five optional subjects, to be chosen from a catalogue of ten optional subjects offered (all of them worth 3 ECTS). This last module has a marked research orientation, since to a large extent the contents of the optional subjects are connected with the research, development and innovation activities of the research groups of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the USC, which also maintain a strong connection with sustainability.
Second course:
- module 5 Internships in companies (12 ECTS) and TFM (18 ECTS).

Research planning

  • P4142110
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Technologies for the valorization of biomass

  • P4142201
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Industrial atmospheric pollution

  • P4142202
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Product life cycle and processes management

  • P4142203
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Biopolymer rheology

  • P4142204
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Ionic liquids in chemical processes and bioprocesses

  • P4142205
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of drying processes

  • P4142206
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Ecoprocesses for water treatment

  • P4142207
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Water treatment innovative technologies

  • P4142208
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Techniques and methodologies in R+D laboratories

  • P4142209
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Energy transition and integration

  • P4142210
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Corresponds to that of a person in possession of a degree in chemical engineering in the Spanish system, or equivalent qualifications in line with the provisions of Article 18 of Royal Decree 822/2021

· Compulsory: 45
· Optional: 15
· Compulsory external internships: 12
· Master's final dissertation: 18
o Total: 90

The study plan of the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses at USC has a total of 90 ECTS distributed in five modules that are taught over three semesters.
The teachings conclude with the preparation and defence of a Master's Thesis worth 18 ECTS, suitable for the double professional and research orientation of the master's degree.
External internships in companies or institutions are compulsory, for a total of 12 ECTS.
The optional focuses on the Research and Sustainability module. 15 ECTS will be taken. These credits will be selected from a total offer of 30 ECTS.

El alumnado podrá encontrar la información concreta sobre los estudios de máster en la página web de la USC. Además, la USC cuenta con un programa específico de información y difusión de su oferta de estudios a través de un perfil específico en su página web dirigido a futuros estudiantes:
La información relativa a la admisión y matrícula en los másteres se puede obtener a través de la web de la USC que se mantiene constantemente actualizada. Asimismo, la USC elabora carteles y folletos de difusión de la oferta de másteres oficiales, y de los plazos de admisión y de matrícula. Además, se responde a consultas a través de la Oficina de Información Universitaria (OiU)
y de las direcciones de información de los propios másteres. En los Centros y Departamentos se exponen carteles informativos con los plazos de admisión y matrícula.
De forma previa al comienzo del curso, el alumnado dispone en la página web de la USC de información puntual sobre horarios, calendarios de exámenes, programas y guías de las materias.


Os requisitos xerais de acceso ós estudos de máster na USC, así coma os relativos ó acceso de persoas con estudos de acceso alleos ó Espacio Europeo de educación Superior, preséntanse en:


As a specific requirement for access to the MIQB, it is necessary to hold an official degree in Chemical Engineering from a Spanish university, or equivalent, in accordance with the provisions of article 18 of R.D. 822/2021. This will be without prejudice to the mechanisms that the USC establishes for the access of persons who have not fully completed their Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering studies, by virtue of the provisions of point 4 of the aforementioned article 18 of R.D. 822/2021.
Access to the master's degree will not be considered for people with other engineering degrees in the industrial branch, or any other degree, as it is understood that the additional training required would far exceed the maximum of 20% of the credit load of the MIQB allowed by point 5 of article 18 of R.D. 822/2021.
In the case of students coming from countries with a language other than Galician, Portuguese or Spanish, they must accredit a level B1 or higher (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
General selection criteria. Details of this modality can be found at the following web address:
Basically, in this modality, places are allocated in order of the average mark of the academic transcript of the entrance qualification.
If the number of applications made within the stipulated period does not exceed 10 % of the number of places offered, all eligible persons will be allocated a place (and, if there are vacant places, students will be allowed to enrol within the corresponding period without prior application for a reserved place).
If there are more applications, a list of successful applicants and a waiting list will be established.
The people on the latter list will be allocated a place as long as the people on the list of admitted students do not enrol within the stipulated period.

The MCEB has as its objective to train professional with specialised and multidisciplinary character in the field of Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses. The main objective is to train graduates for the profession of Chemical Engineer, with responsibility in conceiving, projecting, calculating, and designing processes, equipment, industrial installations, and services, in the field of Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses and related industrial areas, in terms of quality, safety, economy, rational and efficient use of the natural resources and the preservation of the environment.
It is intended that, upon having completed the master's degree, students have acquired professional-level competence to:
· Apply the scientific method and the engineering and economy principles to the posing and solution of complex problems in processes, equipment, installations, and services, in which the matter experiences changes in its composition, state or energetic content, characteristic of chemical industry and other related areas among which the pharmaceutic, biotechnological, materials, energetic, alimentary or environmental are found.
· Direct and manage technically and economically projects, installations, plants, companies, and technological centres in the field of chemical engineering and related industrial areas.
· Carry out the appropriate research, undertake the design and direct the development of engineering solutions, in new or little-known environments, resorting to creativity, originality, innovation and technological transference.
· Know how to establish thematic models and develop them with the appropriate computing, as a scientific and technological basis for the design of new products, processes, systems, and services, and for the optimisation of those already developed.
· Have analysis and synthesis skills for the continuous progress of products, processes, systems, and services employing safety, economic viability, quality, and environmental management criteria.
· Integrate knowledge and face the complexity of uttering judgements and making decisions, from incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethic responsibilities of the professional exercise.
· Lead and define multidisciplinary teams able to solve technical changes and directive needs in national and international environments.
· Communicate and discuss proposals and findings in multilingual, specialised, and non-specialised forums in a clear and unambiguous manner.
· Adapt to changes, being able to apply new and advanced technologies and other relevant advancements, with initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
· Possess the autonomous learning skills to maintain and improve the competences characteristic of chemical engineering enabling the continuous development of the profession.

CP01 - Apply knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and other natural sciences, obtained through study, experience, and practice, with critical reasoning to establish economically viable solutions to technical problems.
CP02 - Conceptualise engineering models, apply innovative methods in problem solving and appropriate computer applications for the design, simulation, optimisation and control of processes and systems.
CP08 - Direct and carry out verification and control of facilities, processes, and products, as well as certifications, audits, verifications, tests, and reports.
CP03 - Design products, processes, systems, and services of the chemical industry, as well as the optimisation of others already developed, taking as a technological basis the various areas of chemical engineering, including transport processes and phenomena, separation operations and engineering of chemical, nuclear, electro-chemical and biochemical reactions.
CP04 - Design, build and implement methods, processes, and facilities for the comprehensive management of supplies and waste, solid, liquid, and gaseous, in industries, with the capacity to evaluate their impacts and risks.
CP05 - Direct and supervise all types of facilities, processes, systems, and services in the different industrial areas related to chemical engineering.
CP06 - Direct and organise companies, as well as production and service systems, applying knowledge and capabilities of industrial organisation, commercial strategy, planning and logistics, commercial and labour legislation, financial and cost accounting.
CP07 - Direct and manage the organisation of work and human resources applying criteria of industrial safety, quality management, occupational risk prevention, sustainability, and environmental management.
CP09 - Manage Research, Development and Technological Innovation, taking into account technology transfer and property and patent rights.

AS01 - Have the ability to solve problems that are unfamiliar, incompletely defined, and have competing specifications, considering possible solution methods, including the most innovative ones, selecting the most appropriate, and being able to correct the implementation, evaluating the different solutions of design.
AS02 - Adapt to structural changes in society motivated by factors or phenomena of an economic, energy or natural nature, to solve the resulting problems and provide technological solutions with a high commitment to sustainability.
AS03 - Communicate conclusions, along with knowledge and reasons that support them, to specialised and non-specialised audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
AS04 - Search, process, analyse and synthesize, critically, information from various sources to establish the corresponding conclusions.
AS05 - Perform adequately in establishing and developing interpersonal relationships.
AS06 - Perform professionally with ethical commitment within the framework of sustainable development.
AS07 - Participate in research projects and scientific or technological collaborations, in interdisciplinary contexts and, where appropriate, with a high knowledge transfer component.
AS08 - Learn autonomously to maintain and improve the skills and competencies that allow the continuous development of the profession.
AS09 - Address problems from a scientific perspective, recognizing the importance of searching and managing existing information.
AS10 - Develop skills associated with teamwork (cooperation, leadership, active listening), and lead and define multidisciplinary teams capable of solving technical changes and management needs in national and international contexts.
AS11 - Master time management and critical situations.
AS12 - Perform with initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.

K01 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development or application of ideas, often in a research context.
K02 - Acquire advanced knowledge and demonstrate, in a scientific and technological or highly specialised research context, a detailed and well-founded understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and work methodology in one or more fields of study in Chemical Engineering.
K03 - Have knowledge of the relevant biological foundations in bioprocesses in the context of Chemical Engineering.
K04 - Acquire advanced knowledge for the design and holistic understanding of chemical processes, from both a fundamental and practical perspective.
K05 - Know the bases of entrepreneurship and management skills within the framework of business management.


Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programmes are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programmes (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
Student mobility at the MCEB through programmes such as Erasmus is preferably carried out in the 2nd year for a period of one semester (the 3rd semester of the study plan).
The selection of candidates is carried out by a selection committee made up of the people responsible for the mobility of the centre and the specific programmes, as well as the person responsible for the centre's management support unit.
The grading criteria, previously established, take into account the academic record and, if applicable, the language proficiency that the programme or the destination institution may require.
Additionally, the MCEB has established double degree agreements with integrated master's degrees from foreign universities. Through the appropriate correspondence of the study plans, recognition tables have been developed that allow bidirectional mobility (sending of own students and reception of host students) for a certain period of time so that in all cases the objectives and learning results of the MCEB and the foreign qualification, with the added advantage that those who take advantage of said mobility opt to obtain both qualifications.


The internship will consist of the students carrying out internships in a company or organisation for 150 hours (4 weeks) plus the preparation of the corresponding report, in order to obtain 6 equivalent credits (1 ECTS credit = 25 hours of internship).
The EPSE has nearly 500 agreements with companies and institutions so that students of the different degrees taught there can carry out external internships. In the field of Forestry Engineering, these agreements would offer a total of 120 places for external internships for Master's students, which can guarantee the availability of 25 annual places for new students. The complete list of companies and institutions with an agreement with the EPSE for carrying out external internships can be consulted on the center's website:…
In addition, both teachers and students may propose new agreements between USC and other companies or institutions, which must be signed before the students join.
For the organisation, management and monitoring of external internships, a Master's External Internship Coordinator will be appointed, who will be part of the Degree Commission and will be in charge of assigning the internship centers and monitoring them. In addition, the Title Commission will assign the student an academic tutor from among the Center's Teaching and Research Staff, who will monitor the work carried out by the student and ensure the quality of the stay carried out, and an external tutor in the company, in charge to guarantee appropriate conditions for carrying out the internship.

The master's thesis aims to be an anticipated professional activity where the student applies the knowledge acquired in his training to a real and complex problem.
The contents of the master's thesis (TFM) will be within the professional scope of the Forestry Engineer. To determine the origin of a topic to be developed as a TFM, the student must present a proposal following a standardized form to the degree's TFM
monitoring committee. Once approval of the proposal is obtained, the TFM can be prepared and presented for defence.
In general, the management of the TFM will be in accordance with the provisions of the MIQB's internal TFM Regulations, approved by the USC Governing Council.
The TFM will be defended in a public session in front of the evaluation panel appointed for this purpose.

The contents of this page were updated on 07.31.2024.