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Auditoría dosimétrica de centro de protonterapia con calorímetro desarrollado por el Laboratorio de Radiofísica
The Radiophysics Laboratory is an Irradiation Facility dedicated to R&D&I and Technology Transfer activities and services related to the detection and applications of ionising radiation.

This technological platform has a 60 m2 bunker that houses a gamma irradiator (Cobalt 60) and a linear accelerator.

The laboratory offers the following services to any user in the public or private sectors:

  • Service for the calibration of ionisation chamber sets - electrometer in absorbed dose rate in water at therapy level (Cobalt 60). The Radiophysics Laboratory is an accredited secondary laboratory that complies with ISO 17025.
  • Calibration service of ionisation chamber assemblies - electrometer in air kerma rate in air (cobalt 60). The Radiophysics Laboratory is an accredited secondary laboratory that complies with ISO 17025.
  • Irradiation service. The Laboratory performs total dose irradiation tests on electronic components, materials or tissues.
  • Veterinary Radiotherapy Service. This service is carried out jointly with the Rof Codina Foundation Veterinary Hospital.
The contents of this page were updated on 06.20.2024.